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Sunday, November 21, 2010




"I Recently Relocated but it's Only Temporary": What She's Really Saying in her Online Profile Part 1

With all the talk about online dating, Your Professor thought it might be interesting to take some actual phrases from current online dating profiles posted by chicks on an actual dating website (that will go unnamed to avoid the inevitable lawsuits), and to let you know the true meanings so you can respond accordingly.
  • “I'm a big girl with a big kind heart, but am known for being something of a smart-ass and love to match wits with someone who 'gets' my humor.” You’re not only fat but sarcastic too. Probably fancy yourself a pretty clever putdown artist. You love to make fun of others even though you are far from perfect. And did I say you’re fat?
  • “I am a single parent, working two jobs. I enjoy taking walks, having good conversation and going out for lunch.” You have no time for an actual date. You like lots of attention without having to give anything up in return. You don’t just like going out for lunch; what you’re really saying is that you like having guys you meet online pay for lunch while giving up nothing in return. And did I say you’re fat?
  • “Would love a man in my life to support me...I don't mean financially...I can do that...I mean to help me to become a better person....To support me to become healthier....Exercise together.”  Why do you need a man to do that? Can’t you do it on your own? You are needy. And did I even need to say you’re fat?
  • “I’m very outgoing, like to read books (mystery) and watch movies, walk on the beach, like music any kind, travel. I used to be a backup singer for a band in Ventura it was a lot of fun.” You used to be hot. Now you’re fat. And old.
  • “I enjoy going on vacation.” Long as you’re paying.
  • “I just want a companion to talk with and walk with. Maybe take in a movie or dinner. Just to spend the evening talking finding out about each other and where we came from and where we are going.” I have no idea where I’m going, but I do know where you’re going…the cemetery. How old are you again?
  • “I am spiritual, bright, fun, adventurous, willing to risk. I am constantly learning, communicating, expressing, and curious. I like to be in nature. Music plays a big part in my life.”  She’s really saying, “Hope you like spending your weekends mountain climbing or camping. Say goodbye to ESPN. I go to community college and take night classes in things that I will never use at my lowly job, classes you will eventually be paying for. After you start paying, I will take my next risk by having an affair with my photography teacher. Look forward to being nagged about why we don’t go out dancing three nights a week.”
  • “I am NOT slender, athletic, muscular, petite. I am a BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. 5'8 3/4" 235#.” Some insensitive types would call that fat. No, ginormous.
  • “I believe life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. I always look forward because life is too precious to be wasted in regrets. I’m comfortable in all settings. I love spontaneity.” She has debts and fake names. She has already filed for bankruptcy once. She loves spontaneity…between your windshield and her tire iron.
  • “I recently relocated to the Whittier area but it's only temporary. If you're caring, nurturing, understanding, considerate and consider yourself to be a sexy man?” Is that really a question? She may be in the Whittier area today, but she will soon be relocating to your home. By “caring, nurturing and understanding,” she means “willing to be paying for everything.” And she’ll be telling you constantly that you are not as "sexy" as she had hoped and that you need to lose weight. By the way, why is her move to the Whittier area “only temporary?” Because the last guy she met through online dating isn’t as “caring, nurturing and understanding” as she had hoped. Tag, you’re it.
Hope this gives you a better idea of what the Little Ladies are trying to say when looking to meet a man online. This is just the first of a series. More coming soon.


Not on the air but he's been actively posting on his blog:

Femnists and VK girls want him (and me) to go away that will NEVER happen.

He will be here and so will I.


Here's a letter from one of his student.

Anonymous Student: Leykis 101 Really Work

Every now and then, I love to hand Your Professor's blog over to a student. Leykis 101 really works.
I would love to tell you this guy's name, but he prefers to remain anonymous:
You saved my life.  For this I thank you.
I am 31 now.  When I was 23, I was mentally beat up in a miserable relationship and a coworker of mine told me to listen to you.  I loved the show from the first listen.  I loved the way you tore up women who called and argued with you. I liked all your thoughts on women and relationships.
But, alas, I was still a castrated pussy.  It took 3 years before we finally broke up.  For those three years I just went along with everything she said as she beat me down and down more and more.  She heard me listening to you once and said 'I hope you don't read too much into what he says'.  During the course of the relationship I stopped listening to you, thinking that this was the way things were and it  just was supposed to happen this way.  Dragged into marriage, pump out kids, drink yourself to death by the time you are 50.  When I finally got out of this relationship I felt like a new man.  I was myself again.
But, again, I fell into a trap.  As I was having fun and being myself I met a girl.  Single mother (strike one).  Coworker (strike 2) and we moved in together after 6 months where I payed most of the bills (3, I'm out).  I was gaga for this girl, thinking I was all in love and this was the one I would marry.  We had our problems when the sex wore off and reality set in.  Now we are not together, but still live together.  I pay only half of what it costs there.  I will be moving as soon as I can.
I was really hurt about this whole relationship ending.  I recalled that you made me feel better about women when I had listened to you years earlier, so I found a website with shows of yours from 2003 through the end in 2009 I think.  I started listening.  You made me feel better and better, finally one day you hit on something and I had an epiphany.  I just started to think differently.  My life up until then was about handing over everything I had to women because they are rocking in bed.  Always being the jealous type wondering what they are doing at all times.  Being a big PUSSY.  Women don't want the nice guy.  Even the ones that say they do.
So thank you Tom, you really saved my life.  Superficially, people may listen to the show and think you just bash women for ratings.  I started to look deeper, and your show is about making life fair for men again.  Society has tried to beat us down, saying that its not ok to be men anymore.  We cant like porno, video games, leaving the toilet seat up, too many beers on friday night.  We are supposed to never burp, fart, or do anything fun.  Then we pay for everything.
Pamper and please these porkchop women anyway we can, all with no thanks then we get a crapsmeared boot smashed in our face.  All for what?  For giving up everything we enjoyed doing.
Now I really dodged some bullets since I was 18.
I got a girl pregnant when I was 20.  She almost didn't have the abortion.  She finally had it, I foot the bill for that one.
Next was a fat virgin who wanted to be treated like a princess all without offering anything in return.
Next was the mentally abusive bitch who almost beat me into an engagement and living together.  We broke up the day we were supposed to sign the lease
Next was a chick with an eating disorder who required constant confirmation that she was ok
Next was the single mother co-worker with whom I now live.
Tom, I was so drunk with testosterone with the most recent one thinking she was 'the one' that she could have easily nailed me with an early pregnancy and early marriage.  Didn't happen.  The worst thing I have now is I live with her.  I decided to not have sex with her anymore once I started listening to you again.  I had a private party session when I saw some feminine products in the trash and knew I was in the clear for real.
You are saving an entire generation of men getting their asses kicked by women.  The ass-kicking needs to stop.  Men should be men.
I look forward every day to setting up my own place again exactly how I want it, and possibly never living with a girl again.  They do think they have golden pussys and that any man is lucky to get in there.
You are right about everything.  I can't quite figure out how to be a jerk and sleep with women cuz I have been a nice guy for 31 years...but as far as life being just for me and not catering to some bitch......THANK YOU.
What do you think is wrong with women these days? why are they like this?  were they always this bad?
I hope you come back on the air to save countless more lives.
Not sure if you read this email address anymore, but just wanted you to know what good things you have done.  You really save lives.
If you use this text anywhere please don't use my real name.
Thanks Tom.  You are the best.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Spoiled, demanding, my-way-or-the-highway VK girl wrote:
I am with my fiance for six years. Our wedding is only four weeks away but he does not want to go through with it. This is what happened.
I am Vietnamese and he is nguoi Tay. I was with him after a bad break up with my ex. We have our good times and of course many fights. Most of the fights are little things and I am always the one that makes me chase after me and make him say sorry. I have a serious trust issues because of what happened to me in the past and he knew this. But he did tried to cheat on me before, but and unopen condom is still not cheating according to him.
Just in the last couple of months, the started to hide his relationship status from his facebook. I asked him why, he said "there's no reason". He started added new friends on facebook and they are the type of girls that he likes. I questioned him again, but he said nothing. Last week, we had a little fight over something so stupid. But I let it drags on because I didn't want to give in. Now, he went to facebook and announced that the wedding is off. In two hours time, he will go with his dad to cancel the honeymoon and cancel the church.
He told me that he still wants to be with me but I doesn't want to get married to me. That he still loves me. He is firm with his decision and I can't do anything to make him change his mind. I felt so ashame to face anyone because of this. I haven't told my parents or friends yet.

first of all, i have to admit words can't explain how entertained i am reading posts like these.

HAHAHA...selfish, self-centered VK girls who think they are the center of the fuking UNIVERSE get ditched by guys who have had enough of their demanding asses (financially and emotionally). gotta love it.:cheer:

this white guy must be a regular at my website.

second, look at what this she wrote:

"Last week, we had a little fight over something so stupid. But I let it drags on because I didn't want to give in ...blah blah blah... Most of the fights are little things and I am always the one that makes me chase after me and make him say sorry"

does this sound like a woman who's ready for marriage? what kind of self-respecting males would want to come home everyday to her high maintenance ass? in my book, she'd be lucky to get 3 dates in a row with the same guy. they were together for 6 years????? really? now either this guy is VERY low in self-esteem or he had been planning to dump this chic from the get go. i'm guessing the later. :lol: :lol: :lol: i bet he had his fun with other chics behind her back while telling her what she wants to hear ("i'm so sorry" "it's all my fault" "i can't live without you" hahahha).

because that's exactly what i would do to these dumb ho'. these and the gold-miners are the PERFECT types of ho' to hit & run. just tell them what they want to hear, show them what they hope to see ($$$). make them think you are in it for the long haul. make them think you are head over heels for them. and these ho' are a dime a dozen because normally self-respecting males RUN from them. when they try to close the deal (to collect vaginamony), we tell them "sorry honey but i your ass just doesn't excite me anymore." :lol: :lol: :lol:

the Professor congratulates this white guy for doing the right thing which is DTB (Dump That Bitch).

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


a very dumb VK guy named cangxe said:

Consider these facts:

Couples with higher education and higher income are less likely to have marriage problems. (People everywhere must be wondering what genius came up with the research grant to study this.) But, let’s look at some of the stats related to divorce within the first 10 years of marriage:

Any amount of college decreases the chance of divorce by 13 percent
An income over $50,000 decreases the chance of divorce by 30 percent
Couples with an income under $25,000 have a 50 percent chance of ending up getting divorced. []

The dude [he's referring to me] keeps quoting the overall divorce rate (unreliable), while ignoring that for educated people, the divorce is quite a bit lower for college educated people, especially if they make decent money.
this idiot cangxe sounds young, naive, inexperienced and extremely ignorant of the American life. Did he just get off the boat last month or something? i feel like donating some time to the less fortunate today so i'll give him some lessons.

while his posts are lengthy, they contain zero substance not a single fact that helps his case.

this is his ONLY counterargument:

"Any amount of college decreases the chance of divorce by 13 percent
An income over $50,000 decreases the chance of divorce by 30 percent
Couples with an income under $25,000 have a 50 percent chance of ending up getting divorced. []"

while those numbers are accurate, in order for them to help his argument, he first has to prove that Viet Kieus are:

1) more educated than the average
2) making more money than the average

otherwise, VKs suffer the same divorce rate as the rest of the country (by the definition of "average." try to wrap your brain around that, i know many people at VF have difficulties grasping this big word), if not HIGHER.

he can't prove 1) and 2) it because none of them is true. in fact, in reality, it's the opposite. how do i know this? ahhh.. it's because i'm more educated than he is. i am a highly educated professional while he's probably a fobby waiter serving Bun Bo Hue at Pho 54. if he bothered to educate himself on the history of Asian Americans and U.S immigration policies, he wouldn't have brought this up.

did you know that only 16% of Vietnamese have a college education while the nation's average is at 30%? did you know that Vietnamese Americans make much much less than the average American?

why is this? I'll leave this to cangxe to find out. consider this his homework assignment for tonight.

moreover, if the claim that income and education affect the chance of divorce is true, then Viet Kieus should have a HIGHER divorce than the average Americans because we don't do as well as the rest of the country in terms of education and earning. so not only his argument failed, it backfired and bit in him in his FOB ass.

even if Viet Kieus do as well as the average American in education and earning (and therefore should have the same divorce rate as the rest of the country), his argument still doesn't make any damn sense. what about the 50% that WILL get divorced, whether they want it or not? this is what my guides and blogs are for, THESE 50% duh.

this guy is obviously an ignorant FOB who hasn't dated enough Western women to know anything about marriage and relationship in this country. i wouldn't be surprised if this fool was a virgin and the closet thing to a relationship with a VK girl he he ever had was drooling over Tila's youtube videos hahahahaha!

cangxe, stay in school kid. when you need more guidance come back here i'll school you some more.

Friday, October 15, 2010


As you might have noticed I have been deleting TONS of posts doing the past few days and it's all because one reason: it's because the arguments provided by these post didn't make any sense to me. Usually I don't respond to these but since I'm down with a cold today, I'm going to dissect them one by one and show you why each and everyone of them is fundamentally flawed. So get ready.

Poor argument #1: VN girls have questionable morals
Anyone can question VN girls moral values all they want but the numbers don't lie. Here are some statistics collected by the U.S government:

The latest divorce rate in the U.S between American men and American women is over 50%. The divorce rate in Southern California is between 60-75% [1]. Since California has the biggest VK population, it is safe to conclude that the range 60-75% is more applicable to Viet Kieus than the other number of 50%.

But at the same time, the divorce rate in Vietnam is only 15% and the divorce rate between American men and foreign brides is 20%.

Every time a couple gets divorced, chances are the women end up getting at least half of money to which they they have contributed very little. So as you can see, Western women (VK girls included) make a crap load of free money from divorcing their men. Therefore, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the ones whose morals should be questioned are VK girls, not VN girls because VN girls rarely divorce their husbands at all (15%, remember?). If you question VN girls morals but you fail to address this issue then your argument is flawed and I don't care how many VN girls marry for a green card, the fact remains that even though there are SOME VN girls who marry for a green card, they are only a small minority in compared to the HUGE amount of gold digging VK girls in the States. So in the end, it's still a MUCH better decision to marry a VN girl because the chance of running into a green card ho in VN is much less than the chance of running into a gold digger in the States.

It's very clear, like black and white.

This is the last time that I'm addressing this concern. So if I see any comments in the future along the line of "VN girls only want green cards or VN girls are different these days" without saying why I'm wrong in my argument. I will simply delete it without any explanations whatsoever. I don't care how long you write or how nice you are, it will be deleted.

Poor argument #2: I should be nicer to VK girls for the "well being" of the VK communities

No. I won't. Why should I give a damn about this community when half of it (namely VK girls) is rotten and doesn't care about me and other VK guys like me?

Many VK guys are  going back to VN to get married because VK girls demand way too much. If they cared about us, they wouldn't have asked us to break our backs to "afford" them. We frankly don't think they are worth that much. In fact, we think they are just a bunch of chubby, loud-mouthed overpriced wannabes who can't cook, don't clean, and just lay there in bed at night expecting the men to do all the work. Who the hell wants that?

To make the matter worse, for years, VK girls even go as far as to insult guys who go back there to get married AND their VN wives. They call these men "losers" and their VN wives green card ho's. And they do that because they have become the evil bitches of the Western world. I don't care if it's done out of hate, jealousy or insecurity, the fact of the matter is whom we VK men marry is none of their business. VK girls, mind your own business and keep your dumb mouths shut please.

In each and everyone of Mob movies every made, once the FBI has gotten enough evidence against a Mob, somebody will talk to get a lesser sentence. They don't give a fuck about the Italian blood line or the Sicilian heritage. They'll try to save their own asses. And that's after years or even decades of having each others back in some of the worse dog-eat-dog neighborhoods in America.

"Every man for himself" said one of the wisest guys ever lived.

So now you see why it's silly to ask me to be nice to VK girls just for the "greater goods" of our people HA HA HA. Did they have my back? Nope. Quite the contrary.

Yep! FUCK VK girls.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Ever since I published my email on this site I have been receiving hundreds of emails a day! While half of them are from the angry VK girls, the other half are from my VK brothers asking me to help them with their relationship issues. I have a busy life so I can never respond to everyone of you. However, I do want to pick out a few good ones once in a while and answer them. And today is one of those days.

As for the angry emails from the loud-mouthed VK girls, I have a software called Bit-chFil-Ter so their emails are automatically moved to the spam folders before I even open my my mailbox. I find it extremely hilarious that many of them have been coming to this website on a daily basis and spreading their lies, starting rumors (to scare VK guys),  making idle threats, putting curses on me etc. etc. These girls spend many hours a day writing their essays here but when I get home from work, in 3 seconds, I make all their lies disappear ha ha ha!!!!!!

Lets start with a VF post made by yet another money hungry VK girl (buonviai2000):
hi everybody, i have this problem recently, i need help. i have been going out with this guy for like 10month. he 8years older than me. during this 10month, he seem nice, he not a clubbing guy, have a good career. Recently we just discuss about financial, he told me that if we get marry, he would pay for everything. He doesn't expect me to pay anything. b/c i dont make that much money. but what ever he has in his saving before we get marry, he would like to transfer all that money to his retirement account. he dont want us to touch that money. he want to save it for the future retirement. ( this sound like he does't want me to touch his money) just in case in the future if we get divorce this money will still belong to him, instead got slit in two ) what ever i have in my saving account before we get marry, he not going to touch it, he tell me to keep it for myself. Is this normal for a guy? is he being ich ky? or keo kiet? should i continuos with this relationship? please help
Typical GOLD-DIGGING VK girl...always looking for a guy to rob. if you don't let them rob you they call you cheap, stingy, ich ky, etc. LOL

If she isn't looking for a gold mine to dig, why does she care about where his money goes? it's not her money, why is it any of her business? obviously she wants to get this guy's money, hence her concerns. i always advise all of you VK guys to get a pre-nup, regardless of whom you are married to or how much money you make.
also don't forget to put down in the pre-nup that she needs to give you sex at least 3 times a week or she's FIRED!!!!!!!

Next, I have a question from a VK guy named "justme":

car dude,

like you, i've given up on vk girls, especiallly in man jose. i'm planning to move to vietnam in 2011 and take my time in finding a wife.

my reservation is that the vn girls will be nice at first and once they get the green card, they'll be cruel or dump you. how do you prevent this from happening? hooking up with the wrong vn girl.


First of all I'm sorry to hear you live in San -Ho- Se. I have been there several times, (and did some "hit & runs" while I was up there too ha ha ha), so I know there are a lot of Ho's up there.

Second, congratulation on making a big step that will change your life forever (for the better, of course). It doesn't take a genius to realize that for ANY given guy, the girls that he can get in VN are many many times younger, hotter and lovelier compared to the chubby, loud-mouthed, money-loving VK girls in the States.

So you have asked the question that means the most in this whole process of marrying a girl oversea; how do we know what her real intentions are? Yep it all comes down to this question. So here are some rules:

1) Don't hook up with chics you meet at the airport, clubs, bia-om, massage parlors, no matter how good they sound. This is a no-brainer, since most of them are working girls.

2) Only marry those who are 25 and older. Girls under 22 don't know what they want and girls under 25 tend to become another VK ho' when they get to the States. For most women the line is drawn at age 25. After 25 they don't change and will always remain sweet, lovely traditional girls like the first day you meet them.

3) Don't marry girls who need "rescuing." You are back there looking for a wife, not to save VN women from hunger. Meet women who have an education, jobs and a normal family. And tell her upfront that you won't help her family. Bring up this issue and discuss it openly. If the girl truly loves you. She shouldn't have a problem with it.

4) Ask her if she's willing to sign a pre-nup. I know VK girls will murder you in your sleep when you mention this. But girls who truly love you don't give a damn about it. Remember, girls who like you will never call you cheap and the ones who do never like you to begin with. When girls love you, they agree with you! They want you to keep your money, not take it away. Women who call men cheap are usually the ones who look for gold mines to dig. If they don't want to take advantages of a guy's financial situation, why do they care whether he's cheap or not? So when you mention a pre-nup, the gold diggers will start packing and the ones who stay are usually keepers.

5) And finally, how do you know if she's not in it for the green card. This is going to surprise you but it's easiest thing: marry one with self-respect and integrity. If you get married at 35 like I suggest you'll be able to spot these women easily. This is one of the reasons why I tell guys not to get married before 35: you don't have the smarts, the determination, and the finance before then (for most guys anyways). Here's the love life of a VK man in a nutshell:

13-18: constantly horny (as you can see, this is the worst period to get married).
19-25: college and job (if you get married during this period you are an idiot. family will only slow you down. still you haven't been in many relationships to figure out women and yourself).
26-30: this is your prime dating period. you should be done with school and out there banging chics left and right, esp now that you have the money. this is when you are going to gain experience, skills and wisdom. by the time you are 30 you should be able to tell the good ones from the bad ones.
30-35: the best time to look for a a wife (yes it takes that long, don't be an idiot and marry a girl you have known for only 6 months. wait at least 2 years).

After this, it's no longer a love life, it's a married life. The fun stops here.

Good luck.

Professor car_dude

Saturday, October 9, 2010


a few weeks ago i allowed anonymous comments on the site because i realized not everyone had a Google account and while I didn't want this site to be another VietFun nor did I want to steal any traffic from that site, I wanted to give VK guys an option to reply to my posts and hopefully tell some of their success stories as well.

well one strange and DISTURBING fact i have observed since that change is that most of this site's visitors are VK girls. based on the content the maturity level of the comments left by them, i can tell that most of them feel very threatened and insecure. the thoughts of young and hot VN girls "stealing" their men have clouded their judgment and made them said the craziest, most ignorant and irrational things i have had the displeasure of experiencing.

now I'm not going to sit back and let a bunch of angry and jealous women destroy this great website which has been the voice of reasons for many VK guys around the world for many years, so I removed their ignorant comments. furthermore, i want to give them my first and last warning: listen VK girls, if your post falls into any of the below categories, it may get deleted:

1) you misinterpret my blogs. i don't care whether you can't read or you try to distort my views on purpose, if  your post demonstrates your misunderstanding of my words, it will be thrown in the trash can. don't even bother coming back a couple of days later and cry "why you doing this to me! no fair! why life no fair blah blah"

2) you don't know how to read. for example, if you bring up that stupid argument that VN girls will become VK girls after a few years of living in the West, even when I had already proven this to be incorrect in my very first post, then you are not allowed to speak here. learn to listen before you talk.

3) you come here to spread stupid, untrue rumors. (i know you couldn't help it hahaha) i don't care if a VN girl divorced you or your friend or your cousins best friends uncles neighbors brother. from my experiences, most of these "horror" stories are deliberately made up by the angry, jealous VK girls as their numerous attempts to discredit their competition (VN girls). tons of VK guys in my company have married in VN and none of them have been divorced. no one in my friend circle or my family and relatives has divorced their VN wife. actually no one i know in real life has ever been divorced by his VN wife. but when i get on the net it's a different story. there are countless rumors out there so i have to conclude that they are bullshit and the angry, bitter VK girls are behind all of this.

4) you come here to insult me, threaten me, put a curse on me, cast a spell on me or try any kind of "voodoo" crap on me. HAHAHA. yep it is hilarious that i have to remind VK girls of this but they have done this in the past. come on we have almost discovered life on another planet. time to get out of the jungle.

5) you get loud, obnoxious, low-class, uncivilized and well just plain trashy. i know you VK girls are naturally this way but try to control your mouth here or i will kick your butt out of here.

yep so VK girls, listen up and listen good, either you act like responsible adults here or i will spank you.

as far as this blog is concerned, I AM your DADDY.

behave or ELSE!

Professor car_dude

Friday, October 8, 2010


in case you haven't noticed, Google has recently ranked this site the #1 site for VK guys' marriage and relationship advice based on the huge amount of traffic it generates. as a matter of fact, if you Google "viet kieu married" (without the quotes), the search engine will list this page as one of the top search results. this proves that this site has gained a HUGE amount of popularity over a short time with ZERO money spent on advertising. people click on this site because what is written here reflects the general consensus among VK guys; VK girls are now a thing of the past when it comes to finding a wife. we only want to bang them then disappear. we don't want to give them our precious sperms (aka child support) nor do we want to put a ring 3 times our monthly's salary on their chubby finger. that's what young, hot, lovely, traditional VN girls are for.

first, i would like to thank all VK guys (and non-VK guys, i know there are some of you out there) who support me for making this happen. without you recommending my site to your friends and visiting it now and then, Google wouldn't have rated it #1.

second, even though i don't make any money from this site (and i never want to), i do want to see my blog have a positive impact on the lives of other VK around the world. for years our derranged VK girls have managed to ruin our VK reputation oversea by becoming gold-diggers, insulting our VN sisters, calling them manipulating, back-stabbing, lying, deceiving green card whores, putting down & ridiculing VK brothers who get married in VN out of fear, jealousy and insecurity and demanding ridiculous amounts of money for sex (basically selling their body for sex).

we will no longer tolerate any of that crap.

it's time we set the record straight:

1) VN girls are good, beautiful wives while VK girls are only good for casual sex, experimental sex, rebound sex, intoxicated sex, hit & run's, booty calls, the list goes on. HA HA HA!

2) we VK guys get married in VN because we REFUSE to marry gold-diggers (aka VK girls), it has nothing to do with what we have to offer. for example, Chinh E. Chu, a multi millionaire with an established career in Investment Banking, married a VN girl. so the game has changed completely, 10-20 years ago, VK guys might have gotten married in VN because of their shortcomings, but today, VK guys are marrying in VN because VK girls have gotten TOO TRASHY. period!








Monday, August 16, 2010


Tila Nguyen showed up at a concert just to be thrown beer bottles, rocks and feces at her by the concertgoers. now i don't condone violence of any kinds and i don't believe that she deserves all the cuts and bruises from this incident but you've got to admit; the throwing of feces at her is funny as hell.

a quote from TMZ:

"Cabana says the ordeal lasted about 15 minutes.  A security guard told him someone had a watermelon that had been fermenting in urine and feces for two days and that they had been saving it all weekend for Tila."

muahhahahahhaa i couldn't help but laugh my ass off when i saw this news on TMZ. for years VK girls have been WORSHIPING this hoe like the Catholics worshiping the Pope. and it's not hard to see why; they have no one else to be "proud" of. NOBODY!

while VK men have worked hard and earned a good name for ourselves in the Western world with men like Cung Le (MMA middle weight champion), Scott Nguyen (world renown Poker player), Dat Pham (#1 place Last Comic Standing), Eugene Trinh (American Astronaut who has gone to space), Joseph Cao (House of Representatives), VK girls have chosen a different path to success: selling their bodies for money.

i remember calling out this hoe Tila Nguyen in the past just to get slammed by VK girls who accused me of being "jealous" and "hateful" because according to them, "i could never make the kind of money that she made blah blah blah..."

as i have said in one of my previous blogs, VK girls #1 priority in life is money. they'll do anything to get it even if it bring them, their family and the Viet race shame. as you all know, the number of hoe's in the U.S is at an all time high. since sex sells in this country, instead of working 40 hours a week like most people, many women have decided to spread their legs for a couple hours a week to make an easy living. sadly, VK too, have chosen this path for fame and fortune and guys who speak out against them are automatically labeled "jealous," "oppressors," "male chauvinists," "insecure males who are afraid of independent women" etc.

everyday, tons of VK girls are following these hoe's through Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and their stupid blogs to imitate every moves they make, every antics they do for some attention. they ASPIRE to become successful hoe's like Tila Nguyen. a VF members, who is married with a bunch of kids, once posted a picture of her flat naked butt to illustrate this point. she wanted the kind of attention Tila Nguyen has gotten so bad she's willing to do just about ANYTHING to get it.

when you look at the early history of VN, you'll see that VN women have been held in high regards with the Trung Sisters and Lady Trieu who led the two earliest uprisings against the Chinese. then you look at the VK women today and you can't help but ask what the heck has happened to the VK women?


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


nuot mam o OC dang len gia du lam.

OC girls are very competitive, here are some of the things a VK guy needs to keep in mind when dating a decent looking VK girl from OC.

1) your car must be at least 1.5 times more expensive than her car. for example, if she drives a $40K Benz, you must drive a $60K BMW or something of the same value.

2) no coffee on first date (she'll think you are cheap). if you ask her, don't be surprised if the answer is seafood.

3) expect to spend the beginning of the second date at a shopping mall, especially if she had given you sex on the first date :) she'll drag you into one of the stores, pick out a $300 dress and say she's forgotten her credit card at home. in fact, avoid going shopping with OC girls at all costs, they can never remember to bring their credit cards for one reason or another!!

4) clubbing with her means clubbing with her and 5 of her single female friends, meaning, you'll pay for their tickets, a VIP table, a few bottles. 7 tickets: $280. VIP table: $500-$2000 if you don't pass this "test," forget second date. but don't think she'll bring attractive friends along for you to crab, she'll usually bring fat and fugly friends to make her look like a star :) this is also an opportunity for her fat & fugly friends to get any action, something they haven't had for a long time hahaha. also don't be surprised if they, your girl included, run off to crab other guys once you have paid for their tickets.

5) don't even think about asking her to marry you unless you can afford a diamond ring that costs 3 times the amount of your monthly salary.

6) if she asks you if you think her breasts are small, say no. be careful, she's trying to manipulate you into paying for her boob job.

7) they tend to talk about their financial problems after having sex with you. she's short on rent, her car needs a new engine, she can't afford an ass lift, etc.

to be continued...


surprisingly honest VK girl asks:

[QUOTE=T_Mai_P]Em là con 1, ba má em có cuộc sống trên trung bình, bản thân em cũng làm ra tiền - $65K/năm

Bạn trai em cũng có bằng college như em nhưng him only makes $45K/năm . Ba má anh ấy nghèo - sống vào SSI . (Mấy chuyện tiền bạc về him và his parents, em cũng mới biết đây thôi .

Câu hỏi em là em có nên break up với him không ? Nếu em tiếp tục với him, liệu em có sống hạnh phúc khi tài chánh giữa nhà em và nhà anh có sự cách biệt ? Anh chị nào có kinh nghiệm xin chia sẻ .


i appreciate T_Mai_P coming in here and telling everyone what's on her mind. it's not easy to find a VK girl who is honest with others about her true intentions and motives in her relationships.

when VK girls say "i love the way you live your life," what they actually mean is "i love your 5 bedroom house, your $100k sport car, and your yacht"

when VK girls say "i like guys who have ambitions," what they actually mean is "i like rich guys"

when VK girls say "i'm a classy woman," what they actually mean is "i demand expensive things from men"

when VK girls say "i love you for who you are," what they actually mean is "i love you for who you are, as long as you have money"

when VK girls say "i have standards," what they actually mean is "i'm high maintenance"

when VK girls ask "you have a way with words, you must be a writer," what they actually mean is "what do you do for a living ? i want to know how much money you make"

etc, etc.

as you can see, to fully understand the type of womenese VK girls speak, you may have to take linguistics course. what they say and what they mean are two different things, and usually they'll go at great length to conceal their true intentions: finding out how much money you have and figuring out if it's enough to justify her spending 5 of her younger, fertile years on you :) but anyways, back to the point.

i like how T_Mai_P tells everyone what's on her mind without hiding it; she only cares about money when it comes to relationships. most VK girls are not as straight forward so i have to say i appreciate her honesty.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Just so you know where I'm coming from: we're a couple of guys growing up in the states, age 24 - 28. Due to school and work, we kind of got separated along the way.

My friend has a engineering degree, working for a pretty high-end computer brand, pretty successful at his job, rising steadily towards middle management. He dates exclusively VK girls. He's never been to VN.

first thing first, it doesn't matter who you marry, as long as you make decent money (like your friend) ALWAYS get a pre-nup. the moment gold diggers hear the word pre-nup they'll run before your jaw can drop to the floor. yep they will scream and yell and call you by all the names and start all the nasty rumors about you but you will be glad you did it many years down the road. in this country, men get butchered in the divorce court system, so you can never be too careful.

i would suggest your friend to take a trip to VN before settling down with anyone in the States. but stay away from city girls who frequent the clubs and bia om etc. find someone with a decent job and a good background. he'll see a complete different group of women there - compassionate, affectionate, loyal, non-materialistic to name a few.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
I don't have any experience in a relationship with a VK or VN girl since in my line of work I don't meet a lot of Viet girls. I've been to VN a couple of times.

like i said, White girls are ok, if you can find an attractive one that messed up in the head. and my other choice would be VN girls - your best best all things being equal.

think of it like shopping for a car:

White girl is like a BMW, fun to drive and cost $55K. not reliable and you have to get rid of it after the extended warranty is up. but you get what you paid for.

VN girl is the best bargain. think of a brand new, reliable Lexus with all the gadgets you need and want for only $5K. best bang for your buck.

VK girl is like the used and overpriced Toyota Corolla that costs $50K. worst choice.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
What do you think about this comment he made:

When you date a Viet girl here in the US, you have to be gallant and spoil them, because that's the game Viet guys here play. If you don't play the game, you'll get owned. That is why you see cute girls with below-average looking guy, because he spoils her and revolve his life around her.

yep VK guys are partly responsible for the way VK girls are today. if they stop showering these women with money and attention, their market values would go down. even average or below average looking VK girl in this country get plenty of attention because there is a shortage of Viet women in the States. most of the boat people were males.

1) 60% of women in this country are OBESE. that's not fat, that's beyond fat.

2) a lot of millionaires in this country and take most the pretty women.

there are a lot more beautiful Viet girls in VN. for ANY given guy, the women he attracts in VN is A LOT younger and hotter than the ones he does in the States. so regardless of the sky-rocketed divorce rate in the States, it's a no brainer which is a better choice.

quick and simple rule: if you make enough money to buy a a house on your own, VN girls are a much better choice

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Công (craft): VN girls win hands down. They woulld make breakfast for their parents, go to work, and when they go home they would do house chores. I swear, I look at the husbands there who only go to coffee shops in the morning, nhau at night...and I think about my azz doing everything in the house, I freaking wanna stand outside with a sign that says: 'Trai can vo'. I swear, none of the girls my friend dated showed any sign of domestic capabilities.

agreed. VN girls are taught to stick with their husbands and take care of them. think of unconditional love. now, i myself dont' want take advantage of any woman's good heart. but the fact is, VN girls will stick with you through tough times while VK girls are more likely to jump ship the moment you lose your job, etc.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Dung (beauty): VK girls up one. VK girls are generally more attractive because in their daily lives they are not exposed to damaging sun, better cosmetic products, cooler weather. However, they are harder to find since the number here is small. In VN, the percentage of good looking available girls is lower, but compensate for more in number.

VK girls may tend to look better at first to some guy because they have money to spend on cosmetic products and surgeries, but VN girls will catch up after a couple of years living in the US. and you brought up a good point; it's hard to find a pretty one who doesn't clean out your bank account after a short time of dating/living together. because there is a huge shortage of pretty Viet girls in the States.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Ngôn (speech): VN girls win. VN girls are generally more dịu dàng, thùy mị. VK girls are so ball-busting.

agreed 100%. VK girls want to be tough, strong, independent. they want to be the modern feminists (like White women), but a lot of time they come of as obnoxious, abrasive, cold, and in-compassionate. they are MUCH worst than White girls when it comes to manner. in fact, most White women are very civilized. unfortunately, VK parents tried too hard to live the American dreams they didn't have enough time to teach their daughters basic manners.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Hạnh (virtue, morality, ethics): Tied. Viet girls anywhere generally win over other ethnicities in this aspect.

well considering the high divorce rate in this country (highest in the world), and the low divorce rate in VN. it's safe to say that compared to VN girls, VK girls are a lot more materialistic and are much more likely to be gold diggers. many get married just to take half of your money later on. i will have to say VN girl win in this aspect as well.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Financial stability in marriage life: my friend made a good point that he wants a double-income down the road. Of course, his mate-of-choice here are college educated girls with stable jobs and income.

VK girl *seems* to win in this department early on, but VK guys should take the following things into considerations:

1) VK girls have a significantly higher divorce rate. divorce costs money. if it is contested, it costs you even more.
2) VK girls may make more money (at first) BUT they also spend A WHOLE LOT MORE. VN girls aren't demanding. VN wives shop at target, VK wives shop at 5th Avenue to compete with other VK wives.
3) a VN girl who comes to the States at 25 can still go to college and make decent money a few years later.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Cultural differences: we are young, and we think differently. I think there is a big cultural difference between VK and VN girls, and sometimes things don't change. For example, I drive a sport car, and a VN girl would not think a sport car is a functional piece of equipment.

Manipulative capabilities: VK girls our generation is more simple-minded. Mind you, all marriage you will get F'ed. VN girls will slowly poison you with honey, where as VK girls will just beat you down.

In all three aspects, I think it's preferable to marry a VK girl. What do you think?

you probably already know what i think. but of course, it's your
choice. like i have said it many times. if you can find a good VK girl to get married, GREAT do it. you don't need my advice or anyone's advice for that matter.

however, the chances of finding good, *beautiful* VK wife without breaking your back and signing over your 401K in this country is slim to none. and that's why many guys have been going back to VN.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Burden of relatives in VN: This is one thing my family in VN is strong about. They're protecting their only child, and this is what they have to say to me regarding marrying VN girls.

When you marry a girl from US, your life together will me more of your own. However, when you marry a girl from VN, you are practically marrying her entire family. This is the main reason: many girls look at VK guys as a prospect for a better life outside of Vietnam, and in a way, help her family.

What do you think about this?

first of all this is just one of the many myths VK girls created to destroy their competition. the truth is, VN today is a different country now. since the labor there is even cheaper than China's, many Western companies are moving there and building like crazy. a lot of jobs have been created and many people are earning a decent living. so just because you marry a VN girl, it doesn't mean that you have to take care of her whole family - they CAN take of themselves.

second, i always tell the guy to NEVER pick a girl whose family needs "rescuing." meaning, do not pick girls from dirt poor family, as cold as this sound, it's for your own good, you are there to find a suitable wife, not to save VN families from hunger. save your charity work for another time.

remember, when you go back to VN, you instantly gain celebrity status, women WILL flock on you like bees on honey - you have many to chose from so you don't need to pick a girl that is looking for her family's provider. i would be honest and tell the girl straight up: i'm here to look for a wife, not to save a family. if you have a problem with that then this isn't going to work. if she doesn't like that she can take a hike, and you would be glad she did because she never loved you to begin with.

but say if you fell in love with the girl and you got weak and agreed to take care of her family. think about how much it costs to help a family to survive in VN: $100-200/month? that's like a night of dinner or clubbing for two in the States. then think about how much an LV purse your VK girl would have wanted each month costs..u get the idea.

Quote :
Originally Posted by CockPuncher
This point seem to have anticipated what I have to say:

Marriage in VN seems to be husband-directed, whereas marriage here seem to be wife-directed.

Do you think so? If so, WHY do you think this is the case?

where do i begin... a lot of things in the US are "women-directed"

the US is a biased society in which women are always "right" and men are always wrong. except for "Ugly Betty," how often do you see a show that makes fun of women? men are always made fun of on TV, and everywhere, women are always right, smart, intelligent, compassionate while men are the dumb, insensitive, cheaters, liars, etc.

just watch the Oprah show. men are always portrayed in a bad light while women are usually the "victims."

when a man cheats, it's because he's a dog. but when a woman cheats, it's because she feels emotionally trapped, or because the husband fails to communicate, blah blah blah, etc.

pregnant women are beautiful. yeah right!

feminism has a lot to do with it. U.S women want to compete with men in ALL aspects of life. they don't want half, they want MORE than half. in most household, women wear the pants because the men are scared of being divorced, thus losing money or even worse, going bankrupted because they knew they would be ravaged by the anti-male U.S divorce court system.

so don't be surprised when your VK wife gets the upper hand in almost every decision you two of you ever make "together." lol:

don't think this issue is only limited to Viets or Asians, intelligent, successful White males have been looking for wives in Southern America and Asia for ages. they simple don't want to be at a disadvantage.

Monday, August 2, 2010


[QUOTE=VKXautrai]Khi tôi về VN người người ta gọi tôi là VK , và trong túi VK này có khoản $5000, tui về đó 1 tháng . một ngày tui sài trung bình khoản $200 ( =4 triêu đồng=3 tháng lương một công nhân bình thường ) , thế là tui tự nhiên thành người giàu rồi . 1 ngày xài bình thường = 3 tháng người khác đi làm . thế là tui từ thèng VK xấu trai vô dụng ở mỷ lại trớ trêu trở thành, mục tiêu và mơ ước của các cô gái đẹp ở VN (gái đẹp nghe , gái xâu xấu chỉ có nước ngồi thèm thôi ) . thế là tui lấy được một em 22 tuổi , vú, mông ngồn ngộn nhìn là muốc cắn , mặc mủi thì đẹp hết biết .. nhìn là muốn hun à . em thua tui 10 tuổi .

ở Mỷ với một thèng công nhân quèn (và xấu trai nửa ) làm thợ tiện được trả lương $20/giờ , một tuần tui được lảnh hơn $500/wk . tui lảnh tuần nào xài tuần đó ...(tiền tui đi VN là vay ở 401K )

Tui rước em sang . bạn bè dòm mà thèm , nhưng lại không dám dòm thảng .. sợ nói địa vợ thằng bạn . thời gian đầu tụi tui củng khó khăn lắm .. nhưng ..ân ái thì rầm rầm rộ rộ . ngày nào củng 2 lần trở lên hết .

Nàng học thêm ESL, tui thì ràng cày thềm overtime để thêm thu nhập , chiều về gặp nhau cái là nút lưởi, cởi áo cởi quần cứ vậy và thấm thoát nàng qua củng được 5 tháng, và nàng đòi đi làm . thế là nghe ai giới thiệu cái tiệm nails gần nhà , nàng làm ở đó củng cực lắm ,nhưng trung bình tiền làm cọng tiền tip khách cho khoản $800-$1000, tui lúc này củng chiệu khó làm overtime nên ngoài chuyện có bảo hiểm cho hai đứa, ít đóng thuế hơn vì mới lấy vợ nên 1 tuần tui đem về cho nàng củng được $700/tuần .

Ngoài nhửng lúc hai đứa trần truồng ra , tui tụi thủ thỉ " anh nè, tụi mình cố gắng dành tiền để mua cái nhà , chứ ở nhà mướn hoài em không thích " tất nhiên tui .. hun môi đỏ nàng cái là cười " vợ anh nói đúng " .

Sản dịp nhà đang suống giá ,và tụi tui củng để dành được $23000, tui đi coi nhà liền , trong thời gian coi nhà tụi tui lại cố găng để dành hơn , cuối cùng củng được hơn $30K ,

Có cái nhà vừa ý , 2 tầng (hi-range) , 5 phòng ngủ , giá $320K , tui trả lui trả tới thế là họ chiệu bán với giá $300K ,

Tui down suống 3.5% (=$10.5K ) + closing cost cuối cùng cost tui gần $30K .

tụi tui vào ở , không có gì trong nhà hết, ngủ trên tấm nệm lót trên sàng nhà , tui sửa nhà và cho mướn tầng dưới 2 phòng ngủ , bếp, phòng tắm entry ,, tất cả đều riêng biệt với giá $1400 (include all utility ) . thế là morgage + utility tui phải trả thêm khoản $1500 nựa .

Từ không có nhà, đến có nhà .. sau khi trả tiền nha tiêu xài . tui tui củng còn dư được $3k/tháng .

bây giờ tụi tui để dành được hơn $10K rồi . định mua cho nàng chiếc xe , không thôi để thèng làm chung tiệm đưa đi đón về tui không thích .

VKxấu trai[/QUOTE]


congratulations on being married to a beautiful and lovely VN wife. i would ignore the negative comments made by some unhappy people on this site. they want what you have but can't have it, hence their frustrations. and they hope you fail so they'll feel better about their choices. and of course, there is always jealousy.

traveling half the globe to find love is not something that most people want to do. it takes time, patience and some saved-up money up front. many guys would rather settle for someone nearby for convenience even when the attraction isn't there. even though the local women are not their ideal lovers, they are the best these men can get without having to do too much work. this is the "safe" route most guys take. the truth is, it is absolutely not safer, but that's another post.

therefore every time i see a VK guy find a beautiful wife in VN, not only i'm in awe, but i also admire his courage and his great sense of adventure. this type of romance is not for everyone and definitely not for those who are afraid of to step out of their comfort zone, those who are scared of the unknown or those who lack courage and a sense of adventure. this is almost like Indiana Jones bringing back a lovely, exotic lover after a long journey deep in the Amazon. this is the fairy tale you don't hear about very often - a man knows exactly what he wants and he travels half the world to get it and he doesn't give a damn what everyone else thinks. all women LOVE a man like this and VN girls are no exceptions. he may not be rich or handsome but in my book, this guy is a winner. the loser is the guy who sit on his ass all day long and doesn't do anything about it, then later settles for woman he doesn't really want.

even if things don't work out later, you can always reach back into your mind to find these good memories and say you were the luckiest guy on earth for 5 years. now, how many old men you know that can say this?

this quote says it all:

"because in the end, what is man? only a sum of his memories"

you are living this adventure right now - you should feel blessed.

since this is such a beautiful, touching success story, i will put it on dating my website. thanks for posting it.

Professor car_dude

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


yep...the overwhelming support from the male members of this place has proven one thing: the Professor speaks THEIR minds. and more often than not, any Vk guy who opposes VK guys - VN girls marriages usually fall into one of these categories:

1) spineless, opinion-less, low self-esteemed pussies who are too scared to say anything that would upset the VK bi.tches at this site. these wussies would do and say ANYTHING to seek women approval (ddo^` he`n nha't, da.i gai'. i.e frozen_heart.

2) weak, naive, stupid guys who have fallen victim to VK girls. they have married these *****y, loud-mouthed gold-diggers and now they gotta stick with them or they lose half of their money. of course they have to come in and defend their wives, no matter how fat, lazy and ugly they are: they have to find ways to justify their bad decisions so they can sleep better at night. but deep down inside, they know they have made a HUGE mistake, so whenever they see a guy marrying a young and hot girl in VN for much less money while they reluctantly come home every night to hideous monsters who wouldn't shut their mouths, they just want to commit suicide! MUBAHAHAHAHA! these are the fools who keep opening with "there are bad and good people everywhere...blah blah blah". please just stop it, we get it. you got SCREWED. no need to justify it! end of story.

don't get me wrong. i'm not the kind of guy who likes to talk **** about other guys' wives but please. if you made a mistake (of marrying a VK girl), be a man and admit it, don't come in here and bullshi.t us with politically correct crap in broken English. in the end, we get hot, lovely wives who can cook and you get fat, ugly, loud-mouthed bi.tches who refuse to cook HAHAHAHAH.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


the fact that VK girls LOVE to be treated like dirt is well known to most people. i even dedicated an article on page 25 to elaborate this point. besides, if you don't treat them like dirt you won't have a chance with them anyways; they will ditch you and move on to a guy that is willing to treat them like dirt. the nicer you are, the less they will want to have sex with you, and the more they'll want to be your friend so they can take advantage of you.

i don't see why any reason why a guy has to feel guilty for using VK girls for sex. remember guys, for any given VK girl, before you come into her life, she had ALREADY victimized many, many naive, unsuspecting guys before you and she will probably do the same thing to you. the moment she realizes that the fish (you) has taken the bait, she will start taking advantage of you INSTANTLY. of course they won't ask you to give them money directly but they'll drop hints such as:

1) talk about how much they want this new $500 Nokia phone but can't afford it. they expect you to feel sorry for them and buy it for them.

2) whine non-stop about their beat up car which breaks down 10 times a month and hope you'll get tired of her whining and help her buy a new one with some of your money.

3) talk about how cheap her ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands were. she wants you to know she hates guys who don't spend lots and lots of money on her - suggesting that if you are not willing to spend money on her you won't have a chance with her.

4) talk about how much she hates eating at inexpensive restaurants.

5) talk about how her ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands or her daddy treated her like a princess, giving her anything she wanted.

you get the point. all of the above are said with one and one purpose alone: she wants you to spend MORE money on her.

if you have only a few dates with a VK girl and she starts talking about financial problems then it's time to plan your exit strategies. you bang her a few more times then RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN. if a girl truly likes you she will never tell you about her financial problems because a) she doesn't want you to worry, b) she doesn't want to make you feel obligated to help her and c) she would not take your money anyways.

therefore, it is IMPERATIVE that you dump VK girls before you develop an attachment to these women. by doing this, not only will you protect yourself, your pride, you wallet but you will also do humanity a favor - you are punishing the ho's for scamming your fellow VK men.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


if a guy saves all his vacation and stay in VN for 2 weeks every year, at the very least, and if his VN gf takes her vacation at the same time, that is a total of 336 hours of quality time spent with his lovely, non-nagging, non-whiny, non-demanding VN hottie. an equivalence of 84 dates or 10 months of dating in the States, assuming a date lasts 4 hours on average and they go on 2 dates per week. HOW IS THAT NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR GETTING TO KNOW HIS VN LOVER?!??

everytime VK girls go on dates they spend half of the date circling around shopping malls, restaurants, jewery stores, a tatic frequently employed to extract more gifts and money from VK guys. VN girls cook healthy food for you everyday, do not care where you take them, as long as you take them out, they are happy! gifts are appreciated but never a REQUIREMENT as in the case with VK girls.

VK girls also use their sexual power to extort money from VK guys by CAREFULLY limiting the amount of sex they give to the amount of gift and money they receive in return. to get more sex from them you have to pay more! VN girls will not resort to this dirty tactic, VN girls give you SEX ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Professor car_dude answers VK Guys' relationship questions

random naive, clueless VK guy asks:

"I met this beautiful single mom on VF chat room.
I myself single dad as well. tall / above ave/financial secure.
shes in her thirty.. I known her for several weeks
We chat everynight till 3 am.We went out couple times , everything is so perfect, holding hand, sweet kisses,laughter,I start to falling for this beautiful lady, I brough food and medicine to her job just because i care so much for her for little time knew her. She texted me often that she missed me,
All the sudden , out of the blue, when I texted and called her, she dont answer , so I was worry about her health being,
called her job, she answered and said dont call me at work. and hang up...So Im really confused, did I done or said something wrong? I just want her to tell what went wrong?
she's ignoring me is killing me inside, just want an explaination why this sweet person turned out to be so no so sweet as I though she would be. I know i will move on , but feel that I lost my true love that I have been searching all my life...
Dont guess me wrong, I have dated lot women before but this one is has a special place in my heart..anyone out there has similar situation? give me some input and no immature comments please....."

Prof. car_dude answers:

"let me point out some of the mistakes you have made. and man, you might be tall and decent looking but you sure are a rookie. your lack of experience in dating VK girls is so obviously you have scared all of the women on this site with this post of yours. basically you have totally ruined all your chances with this chic, but here are some newbie lessons you can take home:

1) don't ever talk on the phone with VK girls for more than 5 minutes. the only time you use that phone to talk to them is when you call and ask them out on a date. tell them when and where, then you hang up. you gotta look BUSY like you have better things to do than listening to their PMS induced late night rants. if you talk to them everyday until 3am then they know you have no other chics to talk to - your market value has just plummeted.

2) don't do any gay shit like bringing stuffs to her work. what are you? her assistant? all women want to be banged by guys who are BETTER than them, not unimportant guys who have nothing better to do than taking time off from work and bringing them their tampons. i don't care if you are a janitor at McDonald, if you want to bang VK girls, it should be the other way around: you have important things to do at work, you don't have time to talk to them and THEY are the ones who should bring you your lunch.

3) doesn't sound like you have had sex with her. and you have known her for weeks. that is MAJOR mistake. there is a very concrete rule for dealing with VK girls these days: if she doesn't spread her legs after 3 dates then that's it, you delete her number from your cell phone. if you cant bang her after 3 dates, chances are you will never be able to bang her. stop wasting time and money on her.

4) texting is for pussies. don't do that crap. if she doesn't answer your phone call, you wait 1 or 2 weeks then call her again. in the mean time, go out and hit on other chics. you don't call 2-3 times in a row and then call her at work like a needy idiot. women hate that shit because they don't want to date a desperate guy. stop giving them a reason to dislike you.

5) your "true love"? HAHAHAHAHA you make me laugh which is why i love to response to this lame post of yours. you have known her only for a few weeks, you probably haven't gotten into her pants yet. and you got played by her, apparently. but you say you have a special place for her in your heart? is this the first girl you have ever dated? HAHAHA you are killing me Larry. here is the rule for ALL men when it comes to "true love" if there is even such a thing: don't even think about uttering the word love until you have lived with the girl for 6 months. YEP! SIX MONTHS, that's how long it would take to see the girl for who she really is. men see a hot woman and our tesrosterone shoots up the roof so most of the time we'll think that's "love" but in fact that's just your natural desires to mate with her.

6) but your biggest mistake is falling for a VK girl, even worse, a single VK mom. you never want to fall in love with VK girls because the moment they know you have feelings for them, they'll start taking advantage of you financially, IMMEDIATELY. as mentioned numerous times in my guides, VK girls are only good for sex and nothing else, regardless of how good the sex is. the moment you think you have developed feelings for a VK girl you bang her for the last time, just for for some memory hehe, then you head for that door, you run and never look back. they are not marriage materials. you only use them for one night stands, booty calls, and hit-n-runs. marry a VN girl if you want a REAL wife, but if think you are all that and you can afford to burn some money then fine, go all the way and get a White girl. but VK girls have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO OFFER YOU in compared to White girls and VN girls."

Monday, March 29, 2010


NEVER touch single moms. the fact that they are single moms speak volumes about their ability to be a good wife, or lack thereof. if a woman is a single mom, it's usually one of these situations:

a) like most VK girls, she married her ex-husband for money then filed for divorce after a few years, taking half of his money. and now she's looking for the next sucker to victimize (YOU). she will NO DOUBT do this to you, as soon as she finds someone who makes more money. when you marry or even spend your money on these women, you are betraying your fellow men because if no one dates or marries single moms, a lot of them would not have filed for divorced. they file for divorce so they can be free to find the next sucker and get half of his money, if there are no suckers waiting to date/marry them, they'll definitely think twice about filing for a divorce. by dating/marrying single moms, you are helping, encouraging the gold-miners to leave their husbands.

b) she is dumb slut and got knocked up by players as early as they were in high school . these girls are really dumb and trashy and you don't want to marry. plus, the father(s) of her kid(s) are probably dead beats so that means no child support from them. in other words, YOU will be paying for her kids' living expenses until they are 18. great huh?

c) she married the wrong guy. getting married was the biggest decision she has ever made in her life and she chose the wrong guy. she changed her mind after the wedding. what makes you think she will choose the right guy this time?

d) her husband left her because she cheated on him, she nagged too much, she whined non-stop, she complained about everything, nothing could ever please her, she's a bitch. whatever the reason is, you don't want to be her next victim.

but there is more. if you have interactions with her kids, she can later sue you in civil courts for child support, even when you don't marry her and you are not the biological father of her kids. search the net for many court cases like these if you don't believe me. if you act like a "father figure" to her kids for a period of time, (such as buying them gifts, sending them post cards, taking them out to dinner, etc.), and their biological father cannot pay for child support for some reason, (in prison, dead, unemployed, etc.), the judge can order you to pay for child support until the kids turn 18. under the U.S court system, the kids come first, then her, then her pets and then you.

when you date with single moms, you are playing with fire. these women have a PROVEN records of being losers/gold-diggers and you don't want to have anything to do with these.

when it comes to single moms, bang them once or twice then RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.

Friday, March 26, 2010


VN girls are taught to be feminine, loving, classy, compassionate and adorable - the very qualities most men seek in a woman. all men want to marry a woman he can love and respect until throughout the course of the marriage - someone who can also be a role model for his children. VN girls are perfect in every of these aspects. you will NEVER find a better woman to be the mother of your children than a VN girl.

VK girls on the other hand, are falling short in each and every one of these departments. while VN girls idolize their parents, who are well-respected, honest, hard-working people, VK girls idolize the feminists, the gold-miners, the whores, the crooks and the scammers of the Western world.

Angry, bitter, man-hating feminists like Ophra and Ellen (The) Degenerate would not have been as rich and famous as they are today without the money and support of US women including VK girls. These feminists primarily preach one thing: men are the cause of all the problems in a woman's life. their nationally televised shows often portray men in a negative light: men are women beaters, insensitive, immature, non-communicative, afraid of commitments (another way of saying "afraid of getting scammed for half of their money"), egotistical blah blah blah. according to them, every time a relationship ends, the man is at fault. if a man cheats, he's a dog but if a woman cheats, it's only because she feels trapped, unappreciated, emotionally neglected, blah blah blah. no man can ever win with these feminists.

not only will these ridiculously damaging messages cause VK girls to hate men in general but they also give VK girls a reason to justify their gold-digging behaviors: they believe that men deserve to be scammed and financially screwed in and out of divorce courts.

VK girls grow up idolizing the most successful gold-miners this country has ever seen. in VN, people like Anna Nicole Smith would be condemned to an eternal fire in Hell but she is a celebrity in this country. while US men frown upon her, US women adore her and give her all the publicity she needs to become one of the most famous celebrities in the world. it is one of VK girls' wildest dreams to grow up and become and a successful gold-miner like Smith.

without the love and support of VK girls and other US girls, whores in this country would not have been so welcomed by the American pop culture. while Vietnamese women (women in VN) loathe people like Jenny McCarthy and Tila Nguyen, who are technically whores, US women want to them a TV show. They love these whores so much they want to see watch them every night on TV with their kids.

and then there is anti-men divorce court system in this country, a system lobbied for by the evil, ball-eating feminists that makes damn sure that every man that comes out of a divorce is financially ruined and left with a bitter taste in the mouth for many years to come. to put it in away that newcomers in this country will understand the true nature of the US divorce court system: under this system, women don't get half of everything, they get A LOT MORE than half, even when they never made a dime in their entire life. this is the main reason why the divorce rate in this country is the highest in the world (at 60%) and the reason why most divorces in this country were filed by women: women have everything to gain in a divorce while men have everything to lose. this motivates VK girls to file for divorce every chance they get. this is system is the result of many years of lobbying by the crooks the scammers we refer to as feminists. of course, VK girls love this system to death. many VK girls might not be able to write a single coherent sentence in English but you can bet your house on the fact that ALL of them have already known everything there is to know about divorce settlements.

at the end of the day, the last thing a man needs is a loud-mouthed, nagging, whiny, complaining, demanding, gold-digging mega-bi.tch waiting at home to to rob him of his peace and dignity. marry a VK girl if you want that life. and there is a very good chance that your daughter will grow up to be a foul-mouthed gold digger some day or even worse you may even see her in her short skirts walking up and down Sunset Blvd greeting her customers.

or you can marry a VN girl and avoid those nightmares altogether.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Why VK girls LOVE to be treated like dirt!

Today we are going to understand why so many VK girls like to date abusive jerks. Nobody in their right mind would want to be used, abused and treated like crap. But at the same time, why do we see so many attractive US women (VK girls included) with guys who do nothing but make their life miserable?

If any of you has ever read the posts in Serious Love Problems, about half of the time, you’ll see it’s the VK women crying about being mistreated by their guys. It doesn’t matter what these guys do, call them names, beat them, slap them, empty their bank accounts, sleep with their female friends, these girls won’t leave. We know they have no intention of leaving these guys because if they do, then their nightmares would have been over, and they wouldn’t have needed to whine non-stop about their problems on the forums. The reason they post their problems here is because, simply, they TRY to make these abusive relationships work! Yes, as ridiculous as that sounds, they are HOPING to change these men, thinking these assholes will eventually turn into charming princes, while deep down inside, they know these guys won’t change as no one ever does. Crazy doesn’t it? But that’s VK women for you. They are crazy!!! These jerks are the unfinished
“projects” they are working on.

So what makes VK girls go crazy for these guys?

The short answer is this: people ALWAYS want what they don’t have or can’t have. Remember the first time you drove your new car? Remember the excitement, the rush when you pushed that gas pedal for the first time? PRICELESS. But 22 monthly payments later, what did it feel like? Just like another car, by this time, you probably have another car in mind, or you are waiting for the next model to come out. You only want the car you DON’T already have.

This is the same reason why the actor Huge Grant was caught buying an ugly black hooker on Sunset Blvd many years ago when he had the beautiful Elizabeth Hurly at home. I don’t have to convince you guys of this point: we men ALWAYS want to get in the pants of the women we don’t already have. Whether we act on that desire or not is a different story. But I’m sure everyone can agree that it’s always about the “fresh meat.”

US women, VK girls included, are the same: they want the men they don’t have or can’t have; the jerks, the dicks and the assholes. Why? Because the majority of the guys in this country are nice, civilized, caring, sensitive, blah blah blah. That’s how guys in America are raised. And that’s also why they say “American men make the best husbands.” These “nice guys,” who are supposed to finish last, are EVERYWHERE in this country. VK girls KNOW they can get a nice guy anytime they want so they don’t care for these wussies. In the minds of VK girls, these suckers are boring, not special because they are available 24/7 and they cater to their every single need. In other words, VK girls ALREADY have these nice guys in their pockets so they want someone else: the jerks, the dicks and the assholes. These are the guys they can’t tame, can’t bring home to their parents, can’t be married to. VK girls can never have these guys as husbands and
that’s why they find it exciting, thrilling and daring to date these guys. It makes them feel alive! This is the same reason why many married people find cheating so appealing; because forbidden fruits are always the sweetest!

So after many years of being used and abused by jerks, dicks and assholes, eventually one day, VK girls wake up and find themselves almost over the hill. As their bio clock ticks, they begin their search for a “nice” guy to get married. Be clear of one thing: it’s not because they suddenly find nice guys attractive but it’s because they can take advantage of a nice guy better in a marriage; nice guys are much easier to manipulate and generally have more money saved up.

Needless to say, by now, after years of use and abuse by the jerks, the dicks and the assholes, VK girls are HEAVILY damaged and they carry an excess of emotional baggage and in many cases, non-emotional baggage (kids born out of wedlock that had been fathered by the jerks, the dicks and the assholes). Imagine a high mileage Chrysler that has been rented to almost every dead beat loser in town and you’ll get the picture of a VK girl at this stage: extreme wear and tear with very little gas left in the tank.

Would these women make good wives considering they have been used, abused for years by the jerks, the dicks, the assholes, the players, the cheaters, the womanizers? Would you be able to take care of their bastard kids? Would they refrain from taking their pent up anger and frustrations out on you - the one who rescued them from these abusive relationships? Would you be able to handle the STDs they had gathered over the years? And most importantly, would you want these SCREWED UPS to be the mother of your children? These are the questions you must ask yourself if you ever consider marrying a typical VK girl. Just look around you, pretty girls in high school get knocked up by gangsters al the time. Orange County is FULL of single moms who have never been married. Tens of thousands of women in this country write to serial killers in prison every day. A girl getting a tattoo on her ass is considered “cool.” Thousands of girls flash their boobs at frat
parties every week…. Or one can just look at the posts in Serious Love Problem and realize one thing: VK girls, like most women in this country, are attracted to the jerks, the dicks and the assholes.

In conclusion, if you want to bang young VK chics (18-28), just treat them like dirt and they’ll keep spreading their legs for you. Trust me, they LOVE it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Professor car_dude answers VK girls relationship questions (part II)

random shameless VK girl's response:
"first i would like to thank you all for your response whether bad or good.
for those who are quick to judge me as a prostitute or gold digger. so let me clarity myself. first of all i had a job but i got layoff, i didn't sit my fat ass like a potatoe couch waiting for his support. second i know it's wrong to remain with him when i plan to leave him; with that said it doesn't mean that i don't love him. i'm just tired of not being respected. he max out my banking account playing poker online, yells at me whenever he feels like, talk to girls online. so what am i suppose to do? i have nothing left. i have no family or friends to turn to? where am i to go? live on the street? why should I?
for the past 7 year i have forgave him numerous time for all his mistake, but he still doesn't appreciates it.
is it wrong for me just to want him to say happy birthday? or rather him not making me feel miserable on my day? is that too much to asked for.
and for those who say bd is not that important. don't tell me you don't feel bad if your loves one doesn't remember it.
it's the lonely feeling that i get . it's not about gift or party or any of the materialistic stuff."

professor car_dude's answer:
"wait a minute, since when it is OK to be a gold digger if you are out of money? what's next? people have the rights to rob and kill when they are out a job/money too? i'm glad this country is not wholly run by selfish, self-centered VK girls like you.

beside, complaining about being broke will NOT gain you any sympathy in this country. this is America, the land of equal opportunities. everyone is given every possible opportunities to succeed. if 40+ year old Vietnamese immigrants with no English could succeed in this country, anybody could. medicaid, food stamps, college loans, financial aids, life insurance, car insurance, health insurance, cancer insurance, disability insurance, and even bankruptcy laws etc. ALL THESE THINGS WERE DESIGNED TO PREVENT YOU FROM LIVING IN THE STREETS. so if you are out of money, it must mean you are really screwed up and you have NO ONE to blame but yourself.

this is precisely why Americans would donate tons of money to Haiti but never a dime to homeless bums living under the freeways; they have ZERO sympathy for lazy people who CHOSE to be broke.

yes it is too much to expect a happy birthday wish from him if what he is trying to do is getting rid of you. my intuitions tell me that he's at this stage where he's just so sick of you and wish you would pack and leave without causing more drama for him - something you create everyday, am i right? how do i know your situation so well? i have been there; i was stuck with a very thick-skinned and shameless VK girl for months. she wouldn't move out regardless of my countless attempts at hinting, encouraging her to leave. i even told her straight out "GET THE F OUT" but she wouldn't.

so one day i was at work, she called me at work and started drama again. i said OK lets meet me at my work. while she was driving to my work, i drove home, took all her stuffs and throw them in front of the door then changed the lock. never saw her again after that day.

my advice: either you shut up and bite the bullet or just pack and leave. but if you insist on being a bi.tch and whine and nag and demand respect and attention everyday when the guy don't already want to give you any, then expect your ass to be "removed" from the house like one of my shameless ex-gf's...hahahhahah...every time i remember this story i laugh so freaking hard. "

Friday, March 12, 2010


The followings are various types of scams and that have been committed by VK girls over the years.



employed, unsuspecting VK males

VK girls with some sex appeal. typically those who are not yet over the hill. some of them are in a rush to cash in their checks before the expiration dates come.

the sex was great when you first met her but once she has moved into your house/become married to you/given birth to a child, it suddenly went downhill. this is called BAIT-AND-SWITCH.

your girl's "uncooperative" attitude in the bedroom speaks volumes about her interest level for you: ZERO. i'm going to be as subtle as possible: how many calories do you think it would take a woman to please her wanting man each time? it's MUCH less than waking up in the middle of the night to take a piss. why? all she has to do is lay in bed with her legs spread for 5 minutes. now tell me is that too much to ask?. it is a fact that women love sex almost as much as men do. but even if the wife has no interest in sex (due to house chores, babies, stress, etc.) would it be TOO MUCH to ask if she could lay there for just 5 minutes, knowing how important sex is to her husband's happiness and well-being? she clearly doesn't care about you. not even a little bit.

all women know how much men like sex so when they intentionally DEPRIVE their men of it, they clearly want their men to suffer.

VK girls use sex as a BARGAINING tool. VK women spend all their lives studying the art of manipulating men using their sexual power. they carefully control the amount of sex you receive based on the amount of money, gifts, attention and other intangible benefits they receive from you. the more of these things they receive, the more sex you are given. this is called EXTORTION. by doing this they take advantages of all the things a marriage has to offer to the max. they try to milk the cow as much as they can while they still can.

a) do not marry a VK girl because once the fish has taken the bait, the sex is immediately reduced/cut off.
b) do not allow your VK gf to move in. give her the impression that you'll eventually allow her to move in and enjoy the free rent and free utilities one day, so she'll try harder to please you in bed but don't ever do it. once she's moved in, the sexual deprivation process will begin and it's very hard to get her out of the house.
c) dump your VK gf the moment she starts making demands for her sexual services. the best times for breaking up are right before the holidays so you save even MORE money by not having to buy her gifts and take her relatives out to dinner.
d) if you find yourself at the end of the rope and have other choices but to settle for a VK girl, then make sure you have a prenuptial agreement that requires her to have sex with you AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK.


most VN girls are honest, hard-working women. they grew up in an agriculture country; therefore they believe in hard work and an honest living. they are taught to work hard to earn things in life, not to sell their bodies for security.

VK girls grew up in a capitalist country where not only it is a norm for women to sell their bodies for money but the women are also encouraged to do so. this is a country that celebrates and glorifies hookers (tila Nguyen, Jenny McCarthy, etc.). pornography, strip joints and in some places, even prostitution are legal. every US woman (VK girls included) try to make the best out of their bodies before they go over the hill.

i believe that as long as the guy is not 100% stupid and marrying girls he finds at the VN brothel houses, he'll find a lovely and loyal VN girl. however, if he decides to marry here, expect to settle a gold-miner because that's what most VK girls in this country are.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Money Hungry VK girl #1 asks:

"Ladies what would you do if bf forget your bd for the 7th times?
i don't know why but seem to me like no one remember my bd, not even my mom whom give birth to me. she would remind me a fews day ahead but when the day actually come she never say anything not even chuc con sinh nhat vui ve. Almost every year something bad happen on my bd. i either gets yell at by my mom or get into an argument with my bf. Like yesterday my bf and i didn't talk. i don't even know why, just woke up in the morning and he gets angry at me for no reason and wouldn't talk to me the whole day. so i ended up spending my bd alone, again for the 7th time.
i plan to leave him but i don't have any money in my hand right now. i'd just found a job and plan to save enough money to rent a place of my own then i'll leave him. as for now i'll just have to stick with him. i don't know if i'm wrong for doing that but i don't feel like he love me at all. sometime i feel like i'm just there to please him. when he's happy i feel safe but when he's mad, he makes me feel bad, useless for not working, useless for not being anything."

Professor CAR_DUDE answers:

"this one of those questions that i'd love to respond to as it greatly reflects the situations that MOST VK girls often find themselves in: their boyfriends/husbands don't appreciate/respect them.

my assessment of the situation is that you don't want to be with him but you stay because you want free rent, free meals, free clothes, etc. and your boyfriend keeps you around for just for sex (because he doesn't love you it seems) and hopefully, some house chores.

your bf give you security and in return, you give him sex. sounds like a fair deal, or does it?

first off, as mentioned numerous times, this is just another form of prostitution. the only difference between your relationship and some guy hiring a hooker is that the former is legal while the second isn't. as you know, VK girls are very well versed in the art of gold-digging so most of them (you included) have been taking advantage of this "loophole" in the laws to the fullest.

now that we have clearly established the real nature of your relationship: a legalized form of prostitution, lets move on to the next issue: your demands of respect, love & affection. you want him to remember your birthday, treat you with better respect and so forth. here's the thing, these are the things you can never demand from a man - a concept VK girls have extreme difficulties in understanding. you can't FORCE a person to give you the kind of love and respect they are not willing to give; no amount of asking, demanding, manipulating, sex withholding and alligator tears is going to get you these things. (these things may work if what you want is money, though. but as a VK girl, you probably know that already).

moreover, i want you to think about this: would a hooker expect the customer to remember her birthday? NO. it would be absurd, wouldn't it. also, would a hooker have any rights to demand love or affection from her customer? no way. that would only make people laugh.


he won't do it, he can't do it and he'll never want to do it. the moment you moved in and began taking advantage of him financially, knowing quite well you don't love him, was the moment he lost all respect for you - forget love & affection.

if one ever finds themselves faced with this problem in their dating life, the only solution is to pack and leave. but this is your dilemma: you are not willing to leave because, like most VK girls, while often claiming "INDEPENDENT", you want to dig this gold mine. it is in VK girls' nature to dig, dig and dig. so i don't exactly have a solution to your problem: you want to continue taking advantage of this poor guy like crow ravaging a dead carcass but you want him to love & respect you at the same time? quite an outrageous demand.

if anyone has problems comprehending what i'm writing, just picture VK girls as parasites, they just want to find a rich, healthy host and start sucking it dry - slowly killing it physically and emotionally from the inside. then one day, when the unfortunate victim dies a painful, agonizing death, the cold-blooded, shameless parasites begin leaving the dead host and start the search for their new victims. and life continues..."