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Sunday, November 21, 2010


Not on the air but he's been actively posting on his blog:

Femnists and VK girls want him (and me) to go away that will NEVER happen.

He will be here and so will I.


Here's a letter from one of his student.

Anonymous Student: Leykis 101 Really Work

Every now and then, I love to hand Your Professor's blog over to a student. Leykis 101 really works.
I would love to tell you this guy's name, but he prefers to remain anonymous:
You saved my life.  For this I thank you.
I am 31 now.  When I was 23, I was mentally beat up in a miserable relationship and a coworker of mine told me to listen to you.  I loved the show from the first listen.  I loved the way you tore up women who called and argued with you. I liked all your thoughts on women and relationships.
But, alas, I was still a castrated pussy.  It took 3 years before we finally broke up.  For those three years I just went along with everything she said as she beat me down and down more and more.  She heard me listening to you once and said 'I hope you don't read too much into what he says'.  During the course of the relationship I stopped listening to you, thinking that this was the way things were and it  just was supposed to happen this way.  Dragged into marriage, pump out kids, drink yourself to death by the time you are 50.  When I finally got out of this relationship I felt like a new man.  I was myself again.
But, again, I fell into a trap.  As I was having fun and being myself I met a girl.  Single mother (strike one).  Coworker (strike 2) and we moved in together after 6 months where I payed most of the bills (3, I'm out).  I was gaga for this girl, thinking I was all in love and this was the one I would marry.  We had our problems when the sex wore off and reality set in.  Now we are not together, but still live together.  I pay only half of what it costs there.  I will be moving as soon as I can.
I was really hurt about this whole relationship ending.  I recalled that you made me feel better about women when I had listened to you years earlier, so I found a website with shows of yours from 2003 through the end in 2009 I think.  I started listening.  You made me feel better and better, finally one day you hit on something and I had an epiphany.  I just started to think differently.  My life up until then was about handing over everything I had to women because they are rocking in bed.  Always being the jealous type wondering what they are doing at all times.  Being a big PUSSY.  Women don't want the nice guy.  Even the ones that say they do.
So thank you Tom, you really saved my life.  Superficially, people may listen to the show and think you just bash women for ratings.  I started to look deeper, and your show is about making life fair for men again.  Society has tried to beat us down, saying that its not ok to be men anymore.  We cant like porno, video games, leaving the toilet seat up, too many beers on friday night.  We are supposed to never burp, fart, or do anything fun.  Then we pay for everything.
Pamper and please these porkchop women anyway we can, all with no thanks then we get a crapsmeared boot smashed in our face.  All for what?  For giving up everything we enjoyed doing.
Now I really dodged some bullets since I was 18.
I got a girl pregnant when I was 20.  She almost didn't have the abortion.  She finally had it, I foot the bill for that one.
Next was a fat virgin who wanted to be treated like a princess all without offering anything in return.
Next was the mentally abusive bitch who almost beat me into an engagement and living together.  We broke up the day we were supposed to sign the lease
Next was a chick with an eating disorder who required constant confirmation that she was ok
Next was the single mother co-worker with whom I now live.
Tom, I was so drunk with testosterone with the most recent one thinking she was 'the one' that she could have easily nailed me with an early pregnancy and early marriage.  Didn't happen.  The worst thing I have now is I live with her.  I decided to not have sex with her anymore once I started listening to you again.  I had a private party session when I saw some feminine products in the trash and knew I was in the clear for real.
You are saving an entire generation of men getting their asses kicked by women.  The ass-kicking needs to stop.  Men should be men.
I look forward every day to setting up my own place again exactly how I want it, and possibly never living with a girl again.  They do think they have golden pussys and that any man is lucky to get in there.
You are right about everything.  I can't quite figure out how to be a jerk and sleep with women cuz I have been a nice guy for 31 years...but as far as life being just for me and not catering to some bitch......THANK YOU.
What do you think is wrong with women these days? why are they like this?  were they always this bad?
I hope you come back on the air to save countless more lives.
Not sure if you read this email address anymore, but just wanted you to know what good things you have done.  You really save lives.
If you use this text anywhere please don't use my real name.
Thanks Tom.  You are the best.

1 comment:

Baseskizl said...

The Professor returns on Monday April 2 2012 to an online Stream go to for more details.