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Friday, March 12, 2010


The followings are various types of scams and that have been committed by VK girls over the years.



employed, unsuspecting VK males

VK girls with some sex appeal. typically those who are not yet over the hill. some of them are in a rush to cash in their checks before the expiration dates come.

the sex was great when you first met her but once she has moved into your house/become married to you/given birth to a child, it suddenly went downhill. this is called BAIT-AND-SWITCH.

your girl's "uncooperative" attitude in the bedroom speaks volumes about her interest level for you: ZERO. i'm going to be as subtle as possible: how many calories do you think it would take a woman to please her wanting man each time? it's MUCH less than waking up in the middle of the night to take a piss. why? all she has to do is lay in bed with her legs spread for 5 minutes. now tell me is that too much to ask?. it is a fact that women love sex almost as much as men do. but even if the wife has no interest in sex (due to house chores, babies, stress, etc.) would it be TOO MUCH to ask if she could lay there for just 5 minutes, knowing how important sex is to her husband's happiness and well-being? she clearly doesn't care about you. not even a little bit.

all women know how much men like sex so when they intentionally DEPRIVE their men of it, they clearly want their men to suffer.

VK girls use sex as a BARGAINING tool. VK women spend all their lives studying the art of manipulating men using their sexual power. they carefully control the amount of sex you receive based on the amount of money, gifts, attention and other intangible benefits they receive from you. the more of these things they receive, the more sex you are given. this is called EXTORTION. by doing this they take advantages of all the things a marriage has to offer to the max. they try to milk the cow as much as they can while they still can.

a) do not marry a VK girl because once the fish has taken the bait, the sex is immediately reduced/cut off.
b) do not allow your VK gf to move in. give her the impression that you'll eventually allow her to move in and enjoy the free rent and free utilities one day, so she'll try harder to please you in bed but don't ever do it. once she's moved in, the sexual deprivation process will begin and it's very hard to get her out of the house.
c) dump your VK gf the moment she starts making demands for her sexual services. the best times for breaking up are right before the holidays so you save even MORE money by not having to buy her gifts and take her relatives out to dinner.
d) if you find yourself at the end of the rope and have other choices but to settle for a VK girl, then make sure you have a prenuptial agreement that requires her to have sex with you AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK.


Anonymous said...

you sound so bitter and misogynistic. seriously, what is wrong with you? women are not just there for the pleasure of men. relationships should be about give and take for both sexes. your post is disturbing and shows deepseated animosity towards women. gross. i'm not viet at all, but seriously, ur attitude is scary.

Anonymous said...

Most of them scam and swindle people all around the world telling tales about how their money and possesions confiscated by communist government, how they become boat people, how their family in debt and had to become massage girl,prostitute etc. most of them are drug addicts,shoplifter,pickpockets thats why they end up became hooker all around the world to earn money to buy drugs.

Anonymous said...

this is so so true. vn girls would suddenly give less and start to make demands....they know their power