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Friday, October 29, 2010


Spoiled, demanding, my-way-or-the-highway VK girl wrote:
I am with my fiance for six years. Our wedding is only four weeks away but he does not want to go through with it. This is what happened.
I am Vietnamese and he is nguoi Tay. I was with him after a bad break up with my ex. We have our good times and of course many fights. Most of the fights are little things and I am always the one that makes me chase after me and make him say sorry. I have a serious trust issues because of what happened to me in the past and he knew this. But he did tried to cheat on me before, but and unopen condom is still not cheating according to him.
Just in the last couple of months, the started to hide his relationship status from his facebook. I asked him why, he said "there's no reason". He started added new friends on facebook and they are the type of girls that he likes. I questioned him again, but he said nothing. Last week, we had a little fight over something so stupid. But I let it drags on because I didn't want to give in. Now, he went to facebook and announced that the wedding is off. In two hours time, he will go with his dad to cancel the honeymoon and cancel the church.
He told me that he still wants to be with me but I doesn't want to get married to me. That he still loves me. He is firm with his decision and I can't do anything to make him change his mind. I felt so ashame to face anyone because of this. I haven't told my parents or friends yet.

first of all, i have to admit words can't explain how entertained i am reading posts like these.

HAHAHA...selfish, self-centered VK girls who think they are the center of the fuking UNIVERSE get ditched by guys who have had enough of their demanding asses (financially and emotionally). gotta love it.:cheer:

this white guy must be a regular at my website.

second, look at what this she wrote:

"Last week, we had a little fight over something so stupid. But I let it drags on because I didn't want to give in ...blah blah blah... Most of the fights are little things and I am always the one that makes me chase after me and make him say sorry"

does this sound like a woman who's ready for marriage? what kind of self-respecting males would want to come home everyday to her high maintenance ass? in my book, she'd be lucky to get 3 dates in a row with the same guy. they were together for 6 years????? really? now either this guy is VERY low in self-esteem or he had been planning to dump this chic from the get go. i'm guessing the later. :lol: :lol: :lol: i bet he had his fun with other chics behind her back while telling her what she wants to hear ("i'm so sorry" "it's all my fault" "i can't live without you" hahahha).

because that's exactly what i would do to these dumb ho'. these and the gold-miners are the PERFECT types of ho' to hit & run. just tell them what they want to hear, show them what they hope to see ($$$). make them think you are in it for the long haul. make them think you are head over heels for them. and these ho' are a dime a dozen because normally self-respecting males RUN from them. when they try to close the deal (to collect vaginamony), we tell them "sorry honey but i your ass just doesn't excite me anymore." :lol: :lol: :lol:

the Professor congratulates this white guy for doing the right thing which is DTB (Dump That Bitch).


Anonymous said...

VK gurls are garbage lololol

Anonymous said...

STOOPID viet kieu girls they think they are the shiet but they are actually shiet if you catch my drift. OOOgly but acting like they are all that *vomit*

I concur with the professor's assessments, these hoes are only good for messing around, never marriage material. that's what beautiful, adorable Vietnam girls are for.

Anonymous said...

viet kieu hoes are fat and useless.

Anonymous said...

Stop with the generalisation. It sounds like you've had many bad experiences with vk girls and now you're hating on all vk girls and acting like you're the shit. Sorry but you can say your prefer vn girls over vk girls all you want but I doubt vn girls would want someone with your kind of attitude.