Consider these facts:this idiot cangxe sounds young, naive, inexperienced and extremely ignorant of the American life. Did he just get off the boat last month or something? i feel like donating some time to the less fortunate today so i'll give him some lessons.
Couples with higher education and higher income are less likely to have marriage problems. (People everywhere must be wondering what genius came up with the research grant to study this.) But, let’s look at some of the stats related to divorce within the first 10 years of marriage:
Any amount of college decreases the chance of divorce by 13 percent
An income over $50,000 decreases the chance of divorce by 30 percent
Couples with an income under $25,000 have a 50 percent chance of ending up getting divorced. []
The dude [he's referring to me] keeps quoting the overall divorce rate (unreliable), while ignoring that for educated people, the divorce is quite a bit lower for college educated people, especially if they make decent money.
while his posts are lengthy, they contain zero substance not a single fact that helps his case.
this is his ONLY counterargument:
"Any amount of college decreases the chance of divorce by 13 percent
An income over $50,000 decreases the chance of divorce by 30 percent
Couples with an income under $25,000 have a 50 percent chance of ending up getting divorced. []"
while those numbers are accurate, in order for them to help his argument, he first has to prove that Viet Kieus are:
1) more educated than the average
2) making more money than the average
otherwise, VKs suffer the same divorce rate as the rest of the country (by the definition of "average." try to wrap your brain around that, i know many people at VF have difficulties grasping this big word), if not HIGHER.
he can't prove 1) and 2) it because none of them is true. in fact, in reality, it's the opposite. how do i know this? ahhh.. it's because i'm more educated than he is. i am a highly educated professional while he's probably a fobby waiter serving Bun Bo Hue at Pho 54. if he bothered to educate himself on the history of Asian Americans and U.S immigration policies, he wouldn't have brought this up.
did you know that only 16% of Vietnamese have a college education while the nation's average is at 30%? did you know that Vietnamese Americans make much much less than the average American?
why is this? I'll leave this to cangxe to find out. consider this his homework assignment for tonight.
moreover, if the claim that income and education affect the chance of divorce is true, then Viet Kieus should have a HIGHER divorce than the average Americans because we don't do as well as the rest of the country in terms of education and earning. so not only his argument failed, it backfired and bit in him in his FOB ass.
even if Viet Kieus do as well as the average American in education and earning (and therefore should have the same divorce rate as the rest of the country), his argument still doesn't make any damn sense. what about the 50% that WILL get divorced, whether they want it or not? this is what my guides and blogs are for, THESE 50% duh.
this guy is obviously an ignorant FOB who hasn't dated enough Western women to know anything about marriage and relationship in this country. i wouldn't be surprised if this fool was a virgin and the closet thing to a relationship with a VK girl he he ever had was drooling over Tila's youtube videos hahahahaha!
cangxe, stay in school kid. when you need more guidance come back here i'll school you some more.
I agree Car dude. Even though Asian Americans do better than the average persons in America, Viets don't do as well since not only we arrived later, we also came as refuges as opposed to doctors and engineers like the Indians and the Koreans. cangxe is retarded.
how can cangxe be so stupid and alive at the same time?
i love it when a smartass becomes a DUMBASS. mess with the best die like the rest.
pure ownage.
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