As for the angry emails from the loud-mouthed VK girls, I have a software called Bit-chFil-Ter so their emails are automatically moved to the spam folders before I even open my my mailbox. I find it extremely hilarious that many of them have been coming to this website on a daily basis and spreading their lies, starting rumors (to scare VK guys), making idle threats, putting curses on me etc. etc. These girls spend many hours a day writing their essays here but when I get home from work, in 3 seconds, I make all their lies disappear ha ha ha!!!!!!
Lets start with a VF post made by yet another money hungry VK girl (buonviai2000):
hi everybody, i have this problem recently, i need help. i have been going out with this guy for like 10month. he 8years older than me. during this 10month, he seem nice, he not a clubbing guy, have a good career. Recently we just discuss about financial, he told me that if we get marry, he would pay for everything. He doesn't expect me to pay anything. b/c i dont make that much money. but what ever he has in his saving before we get marry, he would like to transfer all that money to his retirement account. he dont want us to touch that money. he want to save it for the future retirement. ( this sound like he does't want me to touch his money) just in case in the future if we get divorce this money will still belong to him, instead got slit in two ) what ever i have in my saving account before we get marry, he not going to touch it, he tell me to keep it for myself. Is this normal for a guy? is he being ich ky? or keo kiet? should i continuos with this relationship? please helpTypical GOLD-DIGGING VK girl...always looking for a guy to rob. if you don't let them rob you they call you cheap, stingy, ich ky, etc. LOL
If she isn't looking for a gold mine to dig, why does she care about where his money goes? it's not her money, why is it any of her business? obviously she wants to get this guy's money, hence her concerns. i always advise all of you VK guys to get a pre-nup, regardless of whom you are married to or how much money you make.
also don't forget to put down in the pre-nup that she needs to give you sex at least 3 times a week or she's FIRED!!!!!!!
Next, I have a question from a VK guy named "justme":
car dude,
like you, i've given up on vk girls, especiallly in man jose. i'm planning to move to vietnam in 2011 and take my time in finding a wife.
my reservation is that the vn girls will be nice at first and once they get the green card, they'll be cruel or dump you. how do you prevent this from happening? hooking up with the wrong vn girl.
First of all I'm sorry to hear you live in San -Ho- Se. I have been there several times, (and did some "hit & runs" while I was up there too ha ha ha), so I know there are a lot of Ho's up there.
Second, congratulation on making a big step that will change your life forever (for the better, of course). It doesn't take a genius to realize that for ANY given guy, the girls that he can get in VN are many many times younger, hotter and lovelier compared to the chubby, loud-mouthed, money-loving VK girls in the States.
So you have asked the question that means the most in this whole process of marrying a girl oversea; how do we know what her real intentions are? Yep it all comes down to this question. So here are some rules:
1) Don't hook up with chics you meet at the airport, clubs, bia-om, massage parlors, no matter how good they sound. This is a no-brainer, since most of them are working girls.
2) Only marry those who are 25 and older. Girls under 22 don't know what they want and girls under 25 tend to become another VK ho' when they get to the States. For most women the line is drawn at age 25. After 25 they don't change and will always remain sweet, lovely traditional girls like the first day you meet them.
3) Don't marry girls who need "rescuing." You are back there looking for a wife, not to save VN women from hunger. Meet women who have an education, jobs and a normal family. And tell her upfront that you won't help her family. Bring up this issue and discuss it openly. If the girl truly loves you. She shouldn't have a problem with it.
4) Ask her if she's willing to sign a pre-nup. I know VK girls will murder you in your sleep when you mention this. But girls who truly love you don't give a damn about it. Remember, girls who like you will never call you cheap and the ones who do never like you to begin with. When girls love you, they agree with you! They want you to keep your money, not take it away. Women who call men cheap are usually the ones who look for gold mines to dig. If they don't want to take advantages of a guy's financial situation, why do they care whether he's cheap or not? So when you mention a pre-nup, the gold diggers will start packing and the ones who stay are usually keepers.
5) And finally, how do you know if she's not in it for the green card. This is going to surprise you but it's easiest thing: marry one with self-respect and integrity. If you get married at 35 like I suggest you'll be able to spot these women easily. This is one of the reasons why I tell guys not to get married before 35: you don't have the smarts, the determination, and the finance before then (for most guys anyways). Here's the love life of a VK man in a nutshell:
13-18: constantly horny (as you can see, this is the worst period to get married).
19-25: college and job (if you get married during this period you are an idiot. family will only slow you down. still you haven't been in many relationships to figure out women and yourself).
26-30: this is your prime dating period. you should be done with school and out there banging chics left and right, esp now that you have the money. this is when you are going to gain experience, skills and wisdom. by the time you are 30 you should be able to tell the good ones from the bad ones.
30-35: the best time to look for a a wife (yes it takes that long, don't be an idiot and marry a girl you have known for only 6 months. wait at least 2 years).
After this, it's no longer a love life, it's a married life. The fun stops here.
Good luck.
Professor car_dude
Don't just ask Vn girls if they want to do the prenup but it is a MUST DO IT to save yr back in the future. This is the lesson i have learn...Do it in the U.S , not in Vietnam.
car_dude is witty :)
long live the professor LOL!!!
Yep. Make sure the prenuptial agreement is done in the U.S or it won't be recognized. Two of my ex girlfriends got mad and broke up with me after we had the prenup talks. I'm actually glad they did as I wouldn't want them to mother my children either.
car_dude, I just want to let you know that I told my friends about your website and they love it. All 4 of us are going back to Vietnam this new year! We would like to thank you for all your relationship and pickup advice. They might come in handy soon ;)
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