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Friday, October 15, 2010


As you might have noticed I have been deleting TONS of posts doing the past few days and it's all because one reason: it's because the arguments provided by these post didn't make any sense to me. Usually I don't respond to these but since I'm down with a cold today, I'm going to dissect them one by one and show you why each and everyone of them is fundamentally flawed. So get ready.

Poor argument #1: VN girls have questionable morals
Anyone can question VN girls moral values all they want but the numbers don't lie. Here are some statistics collected by the U.S government:

The latest divorce rate in the U.S between American men and American women is over 50%. The divorce rate in Southern California is between 60-75% [1]. Since California has the biggest VK population, it is safe to conclude that the range 60-75% is more applicable to Viet Kieus than the other number of 50%.

But at the same time, the divorce rate in Vietnam is only 15% and the divorce rate between American men and foreign brides is 20%.

Every time a couple gets divorced, chances are the women end up getting at least half of money to which they they have contributed very little. So as you can see, Western women (VK girls included) make a crap load of free money from divorcing their men. Therefore, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the ones whose morals should be questioned are VK girls, not VN girls because VN girls rarely divorce their husbands at all (15%, remember?). If you question VN girls morals but you fail to address this issue then your argument is flawed and I don't care how many VN girls marry for a green card, the fact remains that even though there are SOME VN girls who marry for a green card, they are only a small minority in compared to the HUGE amount of gold digging VK girls in the States. So in the end, it's still a MUCH better decision to marry a VN girl because the chance of running into a green card ho in VN is much less than the chance of running into a gold digger in the States.

It's very clear, like black and white.

This is the last time that I'm addressing this concern. So if I see any comments in the future along the line of "VN girls only want green cards or VN girls are different these days" without saying why I'm wrong in my argument. I will simply delete it without any explanations whatsoever. I don't care how long you write or how nice you are, it will be deleted.

Poor argument #2: I should be nicer to VK girls for the "well being" of the VK communities

No. I won't. Why should I give a damn about this community when half of it (namely VK girls) is rotten and doesn't care about me and other VK guys like me?

Many VK guys are  going back to VN to get married because VK girls demand way too much. If they cared about us, they wouldn't have asked us to break our backs to "afford" them. We frankly don't think they are worth that much. In fact, we think they are just a bunch of chubby, loud-mouthed overpriced wannabes who can't cook, don't clean, and just lay there in bed at night expecting the men to do all the work. Who the hell wants that?

To make the matter worse, for years, VK girls even go as far as to insult guys who go back there to get married AND their VN wives. They call these men "losers" and their VN wives green card ho's. And they do that because they have become the evil bitches of the Western world. I don't care if it's done out of hate, jealousy or insecurity, the fact of the matter is whom we VK men marry is none of their business. VK girls, mind your own business and keep your dumb mouths shut please.

In each and everyone of Mob movies every made, once the FBI has gotten enough evidence against a Mob, somebody will talk to get a lesser sentence. They don't give a fuck about the Italian blood line or the Sicilian heritage. They'll try to save their own asses. And that's after years or even decades of having each others back in some of the worse dog-eat-dog neighborhoods in America.

"Every man for himself" said one of the wisest guys ever lived.

So now you see why it's silly to ask me to be nice to VK girls just for the "greater goods" of our people HA HA HA. Did they have my back? Nope. Quite the contrary.

Yep! FUCK VK girls.



Anonymous said...

Dude, u should update with us about yr life , umh , let's see until 60 years old if what ya said is right and u still with that Vn girl! See u ya many years later! Is too early to said who is right and who is wrong.

Anonymous said...

ahah from the article i read above, i see that Vietnam has Americanize!

Anonymous said...

There a tila Tequila in Vn too!..not only in U.S...Those Vngirls want to look like her.
Looks at those pictures.

People say that Elly is the hottest girl from Vietnam.I haven’t seen a lot of Vietnamese girls, but I must admit that Elly is very cute.There is not a lot of information about her, but it seems like Elly is the Vietnamese Tila Tequila.

Anonymous said...

Depend man. Not always.

Anonymous said...

whatever! married Vn girls will be my last choice. Vn girls leaving in corrupt country. Mentallity and education are too different from mine.

Anonymous said...

Tila Nguyen is a whore. Always have and always will. I'm a shamed to have the same ethnicity as she does. Although I know lot of VK girls idolize her. That speak volumes about them.

Anonymous said...

I have dated tons of VK girls in OC. The majority of them have a true "ho" mentality and it's pretty disgusting. When I visited Vietnam for the first time last year, I met so many friendly and beautiful girls in Vietnam and I told myself I would never date a VK gold digger ever again. BTW, Ba'c girls are the best.