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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Just so you know where I'm coming from: we're a couple of guys growing up in the states, age 24 - 28. Due to school and work, we kind of got separated along the way.
My friend has a engineering degree, working for a pretty high-end computer brand, pretty successful at his job, rising steadily towards middle management. He dates exclusively VK girls. He's never been to VN.
first thing first, it doesn't matter who you marry, as long as you make decent money (like your friend) ALWAYS get a pre-nup. the moment gold diggers hear the word pre-nup they'll run before your jaw can drop to the floor. yep they will scream and yell and call you by all the names and start all the nasty rumors about you but you will be glad you did it many years down the road. in this country, men get butchered in the divorce court system, so you can never be too careful.
i would suggest your friend to take a trip to VN before settling down with anyone in the States. but stay away from city girls who frequent the clubs and bia om etc. find someone with a decent job and a good background. he'll see a complete different group of women there - compassionate, affectionate, loyal, non-materialistic to name a few.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
I don't have any experience in a relationship with a VK or VN girl since in my line of work I don't meet a lot of Viet girls. I've been to VN a couple of times.
like i said, White girls are ok, if you can find an attractive one that messed up in the head. and my other choice would be VN girls - your best best all things being equal.
think of it like shopping for a car:
White girl is like a BMW, fun to drive and cost $55K. not reliable and you have to get rid of it after the extended warranty is up. but you get what you paid for.
VN girl is the best bargain. think of a brand new, reliable Lexus with all the gadgets you need and want for only $5K. best bang for your buck.
VK girl is like the used and overpriced Toyota Corolla that costs $50K. worst choice.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
What do you think about this comment he made:
When you date a Viet girl here in the US, you have to be gallant and spoil them, because that's the game Viet guys here play. If you don't play the game, you'll get owned. That is why you see cute girls with below-average looking guy, because he spoils her and revolve his life around her.
yep VK guys are partly responsible for the way VK girls are today. if they stop showering these women with money and attention, their market values would go down. even average or below average looking VK girl in this country get plenty of attention because there is a shortage of Viet women in the States. most of the boat people were males.
1) 60% of women in this country are OBESE. that's not fat, that's beyond fat.
2) a lot of millionaires in this country and take most the pretty women.
there are a lot more beautiful Viet girls in VN. for ANY given guy, the women he attracts in VN is A LOT younger and hotter than the ones he does in the States. so regardless of the sky-rocketed divorce rate in the States, it's a no brainer which is a better choice.
quick and simple rule: if you make enough money to buy a a house on your own, VN girls are a much better choice
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Công (craft): VN girls win hands down. They woulld make breakfast for their parents, go to work, and when they go home they would do house chores. I swear, I look at the husbands there who only go to coffee shops in the morning, nhau at night...and I think about my azz doing everything in the house, I freaking wanna stand outside with a sign that says: 'Trai can vo'. I swear, none of the girls my friend dated showed any sign of domestic capabilities.
agreed. VN girls are taught to stick with their husbands and take care of them. think of unconditional love. now, i myself dont' want take advantage of any woman's good heart. but the fact is, VN girls will stick with you through tough times while VK girls are more likely to jump ship the moment you lose your job, etc.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Dung (beauty): VK girls up one. VK girls are generally more attractive because in their daily lives they are not exposed to damaging sun, better cosmetic products, cooler weather. However, they are harder to find since the number here is small. In VN, the percentage of good looking available girls is lower, but compensate for more in number.
VK girls may tend to look better at first to some guy because they have money to spend on cosmetic products and surgeries, but VN girls will catch up after a couple of years living in the US. and you brought up a good point; it's hard to find a pretty one who doesn't clean out your bank account after a short time of dating/living together. because there is a huge shortage of pretty Viet girls in the States.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Ngôn (speech): VN girls win. VN girls are generally more dịu dàng, thùy mị. VK girls are so ball-busting.
agreed 100%. VK girls want to be tough, strong, independent. they want to be the modern feminists (like White women), but a lot of time they come of as obnoxious, abrasive, cold, and in-compassionate. they are MUCH worst than White girls when it comes to manner. in fact, most White women are very civilized. unfortunately, VK parents tried too hard to live the American dreams they didn't have enough time to teach their daughters basic manners.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Hạnh (virtue, morality, ethics): Tied. Viet girls anywhere generally win over other ethnicities in this aspect.
well considering the high divorce rate in this country (highest in the world), and the low divorce rate in VN. it's safe to say that compared to VN girls, VK girls are a lot more materialistic and are much more likely to be gold diggers. many get married just to take half of your money later on. i will have to say VN girl win in this aspect as well.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Financial stability in marriage life: my friend made a good point that he wants a double-income down the road. Of course, his mate-of-choice here are college educated girls with stable jobs and income.
VK girl *seems* to win in this department early on, but VK guys should take the following things into considerations:
1) VK girls have a significantly higher divorce rate. divorce costs money. if it is contested, it costs you even more.
2) VK girls may make more money (at first) BUT they also spend A WHOLE LOT MORE. VN girls aren't demanding. VN wives shop at target, VK wives shop at 5th Avenue to compete with other VK wives.
3) a VN girl who comes to the States at 25 can still go to college and make decent money a few years later.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Cultural differences: we are young, and we think differently. I think there is a big cultural difference between VK and VN girls, and sometimes things don't change. For example, I drive a sport car, and a VN girl would not think a sport car is a functional piece of equipment.
Manipulative capabilities: VK girls our generation is more simple-minded. Mind you, all marriage you will get F'ed. VN girls will slowly poison you with honey, where as VK girls will just beat you down.
In all three aspects, I think it's preferable to marry a VK girl. What do you think?
you probably already know what i think. but of course, it's your
choice. like i have said it many times. if you can find a good VK girl to get married, GREAT do it. you don't need my advice or anyone's advice for that matter.
however, the chances of finding good, *beautiful* VK wife without breaking your back and signing over your 401K in this country is slim to none. and that's why many guys have been going back to VN.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
Burden of relatives in VN: This is one thing my family in VN is strong about. They're protecting their only child, and this is what they have to say to me regarding marrying VN girls.
When you marry a girl from US, your life together will me more of your own. However, when you marry a girl from VN, you are practically marrying her entire family. This is the main reason: many girls look at VK guys as a prospect for a better life outside of Vietnam, and in a way, help her family.
What do you think about this?
first of all this is just one of the many myths VK girls created to destroy their competition. the truth is, VN today is a different country now. since the labor there is even cheaper than China's, many Western companies are moving there and building like crazy. a lot of jobs have been created and many people are earning a decent living. so just because you marry a VN girl, it doesn't mean that you have to take care of her whole family - they CAN take of themselves.
second, i always tell the guy to NEVER pick a girl whose family needs "rescuing." meaning, do not pick girls from dirt poor family, as cold as this sound, it's for your own good, you are there to find a suitable wife, not to save VN families from hunger. save your charity work for another time.
remember, when you go back to VN, you instantly gain celebrity status, women WILL flock on you like bees on honey - you have many to chose from so you don't need to pick a girl that is looking for her family's provider. i would be honest and tell the girl straight up: i'm here to look for a wife, not to save a family. if you have a problem with that then this isn't going to work. if she doesn't like that she can take a hike, and you would be glad she did because she never loved you to begin with.
but say if you fell in love with the girl and you got weak and agreed to take care of her family. think about how much it costs to help a family to survive in VN: $100-200/month? that's like a night of dinner or clubbing for two in the States. then think about how much an LV purse your VK girl would have wanted each month costs..u get the idea.
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Originally Posted by CockPuncher
This point seem to have anticipated what I have to say:
Marriage in VN seems to be husband-directed, whereas marriage here seem to be wife-directed.
Do you think so? If so, WHY do you think this is the case?
where do i begin... a lot of things in the US are "women-directed"
the US is a biased society in which women are always "right" and men are always wrong. except for "Ugly Betty," how often do you see a show that makes fun of women? men are always made fun of on TV, and everywhere, women are always right, smart, intelligent, compassionate while men are the dumb, insensitive, cheaters, liars, etc.
just watch the Oprah show. men are always portrayed in a bad light while women are usually the "victims."
when a man cheats, it's because he's a dog. but when a woman cheats, it's because she feels emotionally trapped, or because the husband fails to communicate, blah blah blah, etc.
pregnant women are beautiful. yeah right!
feminism has a lot to do with it. U.S women want to compete with men in ALL aspects of life. they don't want half, they want MORE than half. in most household, women wear the pants because the men are scared of being divorced, thus losing money or even worse, going bankrupted because they knew they would be ravaged by the anti-male U.S divorce court system.
so don't be surprised when your VK wife gets the upper hand in almost every decision you two of you ever make "together." lol:
don't think this issue is only limited to Viets or Asians, intelligent, successful White males have been looking for wives in Southern America and Asia for ages. they simple don't want to be at a disadvantage.
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