As you know from my previous guide "Viet men should go back to VN to get married," you should not go back to VN to find a wife until you are 32. that will give you approximately 3 years to find a hot & lovely wife in VN before you marry her at 35. 35 is a good age to get married. by then you should have a 4-year degree, a stable job, a condo and some money put aside for marriage. Marrying at 35 and not earlier gives you plenty of time to figure yourself out, what you want in life and what you want in a lover. Doing these things will help you make better decisions when it comes to choosing a wife and making your marriage work.
So what do you do before you are 32? You should have fun with VK girls as much as you can. As you already know by now, VK girls are not marriage material. They like to dress like bimbos, open their mouths a lot (or too much) yet they are very empty upstairs.
1) [b]What this guide is[/b].
I need to talk a little bit about this guide so people will know what to expect.
First of all I cannot take credit for all of the information presented here. This guide does contain materials taken from the Tom Leykis show and David D. and Doc Love's dating articles and various sources found on the web.
This a no nonsense, no BS guide to dating VK chics. It is a very politically incorrect guide and it speaks nothing but the truths. If you are easily offended or a VK girl, you need to stop reading IMMEDIATELY.This guide is for dating VK chics and not any other types of chics. One thing about VK chics is the fact that they like to play mind games just like white chics. If you have dated a white chic before you'd know that they play games like crazy. To bang these chics, you have to beat them at their own games. If you don't even know the games, you have already lost and there goes your chance of banging them. This guide will show you the games they play and how to beat them. Dating white chics is very similar and you can use most of the techniques listed in this guide, while dating VN chics (who are marriage material) is totally different. You don't want to play games with your future wife. Just don't mess with the wife or you'll pay soon or later.
The main goal of this guide is to show VK men how to get laid with the least amount of money spent possible. Beside protecting your wallet, this guide also helps you protect your ego, your self-esteem and avoid being played by VK girls.This guide specializes in short-term relationships (3 months or until you get bored, whichever comes first), one night stands and hit & runs. I do not believe in long-term relationships with VK girls. Being in a long-term relationship with VK girls doesn't neccessarily give you more sex, but it CERTAINLY costs you more money, time & effort. You should only have long-term commitments with VN girls to whom you later marry.
Make no mistake about it; VK chics are only good for sex and nothing more, regardless of how good the sex is.This guide won't teach you how to fix your marriage or how to be in a long-term relationship. If you have games, you don't need to be in a relationship to get oyster on a regular basis. Guys who are in long term relationships are insecure, don't have any games or can't afford an apartment on their own. No man wants to be stuck with the same piece of ass day after day, unless they have to, that's the truth.
One bad thing about being a long-term relationship with VK girl is the fact that the longer you stay in the relationship, the easier it is to fall in love with them. And you NEVER, I repeat, NEVER want to fall in love with a VK girl; she will find out about it in an instant and take advantage of you. Falling in love is great, but not when you are in love with the wrong person. Have you ever heard of that song "When a man love a woman?" If you haven't, you should Google the lyric. It's one of those gay chic songs written by Michael Bolton but it's so damn true. Love turns you into a complete idiotic sucker. You don't want to be such a helpless fool. Falling in love with VN girls is OK because most of them won't harm you while falling in love with a VK girl can be devastating to your wallet and the well-being of your mind. The moment you think you begin to have feelings for a VK chic, dump her immediately or else you'll be stuck with her for a many months to come, paying for her rent, utilities, clubbing, shopping, clothes, taking her to the outlets every weekend and missing out on the other flowers in the garden. Once she knows you are in love with her, she knows she's already got you. She'll try to milk the cow all she can and you'll agree to do anything she asks because you are a in love, and therefore, a complete wuss. You should be out screwing a new girl every 2-3 weeks and not stuck with the same girl. And I have news for you; with same girl, the sex only gets worse, it doesn't better.This is going to be a lengthy guide because there are so many things to talk about. I'll start adding new stuffs as we go along. If you want to me to write about some certain topics, please post your requests here and I'll do my best to fulfill them.
First I need to talk about some important concepts. These are the foundation on which many of my techniques are built.
2) [b]Attraction is not a choice[/b].
Women don't choose who they are attracted to. Attraction just HAPPENS; they look at you and they know whether they want to sleep with you or they don't. It means that attraction is something a woman feels. It cannot be reasoned or justified. If a woman is attracted to you, no one else can convince her otherwise. But when she's not attracted to you or no longer attracted to you, there's no amount of convincing, reasoning or logic from anyone that will make her change her mind. Attraction happens at the subconscious level and no one can control it. The subconscious level of your brain is the part you can't control, yet it controls most of the things you do everyday without you realizing it.
This concept is very important to us because we need to weed out those who don't want to spread their legs for us and drop them immediately. The US is a very superficial and materialistic country, many of the women here DO want to take advantage of you financially. Many of the the VK girls will PRETEND to like you, without intending to sleep with you EVER, so they can get free meals, movies, vacations, trips to the outlets. Many of them will go out with you and act like your gf in public but she won't sleep with you. These chics aren't attracted to you but they want to be around you to make people think she has a boyfriend (creating further competitions among the guys who know her). They just need a guy to show off at parties, family events, etc. so they can look good in front of people. If you have known her for only a couple of weeks and she's already asking you to meet her friends or family, that's a red flag right there.We need to give them each of these chics a series of tests; if they fail the tests, we drop them. If she doesn't want to sleep with you, move on. Don't spend time and money trying to convince her what a great guy you are. Chances are it won't work and it prevents you from checking out other women who DO want to sleep with you. The reason you keep hearing that, a woman knows within the first 5 minutes whether she wants to sleep with you or not, is because it's true.
So here are some VERY concrete rules when it comes to gauging her attraction level for you:
a) Always try to land a kiss by the end of the first date. Women who want to sleep with you WILL kiss you on the first date, and those who don't won't do it. As a man, you have to risk rejections. No pain no gain. You MUST try to kiss her by the end of the first date to find out whether she's attracted to you. By kissing her by the end of the fist date; you are sending a very important message; you have CONFIDENCE (which women dig) and you are attracted to her. It makes it crystal clear to her that you are planning to move forward physically so if she's a FOB (who requires 20 dinner dates to put out) or wants to save her virginity, she has no place in our life. Instead of complimenting her 10 times like a needy nerd who hasn't been laid in years, you DON'T give any compliments at all and kiss her in the end. It will certainly surprise her because most guys will kiss ass and turn into a wussy on the first date, especially if the chic is hot. They will compliment too much and don't have the balls to kiss her. You need to stand out from the crowd, set yourself apart from the losers and you'll get her attention IMMEDIATELY. Besides, women love bad boys. Don't ever be afraid to be a bad boy.
So how do you kiss her on the first date? To me, there are only two kinds of chics on my first dates; the ones who will go to a motel with me later that same night, and the ones who won't. You can tell whether a girl is ready for sex by giving her a few tests or just by picking up some signals from her. I will talk more about these test & signals later (because there are a lot of them which I don't have time to get to right now). But for now, here's what you need to know; for the chics whom you plan to have sex with later at the motel, you kiss her in the middle of the date. You can park along the beach, in a dark alley or somewhere quiet with not a lot people around. You start by playing with her hair or her hand first. If she refuses to let you do so, she won't kiss you. Just drive her home and don't call her ever again. Just say let me see your hand, say you'll read her palm. Then tell her that her palm says she's a pervert. That should make her laugh and after that you can bring her handclose to your lips or put one hand on her thighs to broadcast that a kiss is coming. If you want to start with her hair, say "you have nice hair," then play with her hair with 1 or 2 fingers. If things go well, you should start touching her neck, kinda massage it a little, sending a signal that kiss is coming. If she doesn't want to kiss you, she'll stop you in the middle of these and it won't be such a big deal because you haven't kissed her yet.
If she kisses you, 3 minutes later, you should move on to the next step; touch her breasts. If she doesn't stop you, move your hand UNDER her shirt, her bras and play with her nipples. If she doesn't stop you, move on to her oyster. If she lets you touch her oysters, chances are she'll have sex with you that night. As soon as you get your hand there, give her a little sample, rub her little "peanut" for 1 or 2 minutes to make her phe then stop. You stop so you'll leave her wanting more, making it easy for her to go to a motel with you. Now this part can be awkward; how do you ask a chic to go to a motel with you. Here's a very easy way; the moment you stop playing with her peanut, you immediately stop kissing her and say "Lets go to a motel/my place." This makes it easy for her and she doesn't have to answer yes or no. Most of the time they'll just keep quiet because they are still phe :D so you can just take her to wherever you want.If you don't think she'll have sex with you that night, you have to kiss her at the end. Here's how you do it. When you drop her off, before she gets out of the car, she should turn to you and give you a hug. If she doesn't, you should immediately comment "no hug?" and chances are she'll turn around. If she doesn't she's either a FOB or someone who wants to keep her virginity until marriage or worst she could have bigger issues such as being sexually abused as a kid, having problems with getting intimate with men. Doesn't matter what the case is, she has nothing we want. Case close. If she turns around, you give her a hug, squeeze your arms for 2-3 seconds to let her know you are interested in her then move your head back and put your lips REAL close to hers without letting go out your arms. If she doesn't turn her face away, she definitely wants a kiss. You should gently kiss for 3-5 seconds then stop; you want to leave her wanting more. There is noneed to go all out because you won't bring her home the night anyways. But if she turns her face away, don't ever call her again.
b) Always try to have sex before the end of the 3rd date. If she doesn't want to have sex by then, don't ever call her again. You should try what I have suggested above first; park at a quiet place and work your magic fingers. If that doesn't work, near the end of the 3rd date, just ask bluntly "Would you like to check out my paintings/fish tank/whatever at my place?" Force the issue so you know where she stands; either she's in or out. There's a VERY good reason for presenting this question on the 3rd date but not the 2nd, the 4th or 5th date; most chics know about the this sex-by-the-3rd-date-or-you-are-out rule, so when you ask the question, it's obvious to them that you are giving them an ultimatum; either they spread their silky smooth legs or they will never hear from you again. Giving her an ultimatum won't make her change her mind about sleeping with you, however, if she DOES want to have sex with you, now is the chance to show it before it istoo late.
That's it for today. If you want to see more, let me know.
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