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Sunday, November 21, 2010




"I Recently Relocated but it's Only Temporary": What She's Really Saying in her Online Profile Part 1

With all the talk about online dating, Your Professor thought it might be interesting to take some actual phrases from current online dating profiles posted by chicks on an actual dating website (that will go unnamed to avoid the inevitable lawsuits), and to let you know the true meanings so you can respond accordingly.
  • “I'm a big girl with a big kind heart, but am known for being something of a smart-ass and love to match wits with someone who 'gets' my humor.” You’re not only fat but sarcastic too. Probably fancy yourself a pretty clever putdown artist. You love to make fun of others even though you are far from perfect. And did I say you’re fat?
  • “I am a single parent, working two jobs. I enjoy taking walks, having good conversation and going out for lunch.” You have no time for an actual date. You like lots of attention without having to give anything up in return. You don’t just like going out for lunch; what you’re really saying is that you like having guys you meet online pay for lunch while giving up nothing in return. And did I say you’re fat?
  • “Would love a man in my life to support me...I don't mean financially...I can do that...I mean to help me to become a better person....To support me to become healthier....Exercise together.”  Why do you need a man to do that? Can’t you do it on your own? You are needy. And did I even need to say you’re fat?
  • “I’m very outgoing, like to read books (mystery) and watch movies, walk on the beach, like music any kind, travel. I used to be a backup singer for a band in Ventura it was a lot of fun.” You used to be hot. Now you’re fat. And old.
  • “I enjoy going on vacation.” Long as you’re paying.
  • “I just want a companion to talk with and walk with. Maybe take in a movie or dinner. Just to spend the evening talking finding out about each other and where we came from and where we are going.” I have no idea where I’m going, but I do know where you’re going…the cemetery. How old are you again?
  • “I am spiritual, bright, fun, adventurous, willing to risk. I am constantly learning, communicating, expressing, and curious. I like to be in nature. Music plays a big part in my life.”  She’s really saying, “Hope you like spending your weekends mountain climbing or camping. Say goodbye to ESPN. I go to community college and take night classes in things that I will never use at my lowly job, classes you will eventually be paying for. After you start paying, I will take my next risk by having an affair with my photography teacher. Look forward to being nagged about why we don’t go out dancing three nights a week.”
  • “I am NOT slender, athletic, muscular, petite. I am a BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. 5'8 3/4" 235#.” Some insensitive types would call that fat. No, ginormous.
  • “I believe life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. I always look forward because life is too precious to be wasted in regrets. I’m comfortable in all settings. I love spontaneity.” She has debts and fake names. She has already filed for bankruptcy once. She loves spontaneity…between your windshield and her tire iron.
  • “I recently relocated to the Whittier area but it's only temporary. If you're caring, nurturing, understanding, considerate and consider yourself to be a sexy man?” Is that really a question? She may be in the Whittier area today, but she will soon be relocating to your home. By “caring, nurturing and understanding,” she means “willing to be paying for everything.” And she’ll be telling you constantly that you are not as "sexy" as she had hoped and that you need to lose weight. By the way, why is her move to the Whittier area “only temporary?” Because the last guy she met through online dating isn’t as “caring, nurturing and understanding” as she had hoped. Tag, you’re it.
Hope this gives you a better idea of what the Little Ladies are trying to say when looking to meet a man online. This is just the first of a series. More coming soon.


Not on the air but he's been actively posting on his blog:

Femnists and VK girls want him (and me) to go away that will NEVER happen.

He will be here and so will I.


Here's a letter from one of his student.

Anonymous Student: Leykis 101 Really Work

Every now and then, I love to hand Your Professor's blog over to a student. Leykis 101 really works.
I would love to tell you this guy's name, but he prefers to remain anonymous:
You saved my life.  For this I thank you.
I am 31 now.  When I was 23, I was mentally beat up in a miserable relationship and a coworker of mine told me to listen to you.  I loved the show from the first listen.  I loved the way you tore up women who called and argued with you. I liked all your thoughts on women and relationships.
But, alas, I was still a castrated pussy.  It took 3 years before we finally broke up.  For those three years I just went along with everything she said as she beat me down and down more and more.  She heard me listening to you once and said 'I hope you don't read too much into what he says'.  During the course of the relationship I stopped listening to you, thinking that this was the way things were and it  just was supposed to happen this way.  Dragged into marriage, pump out kids, drink yourself to death by the time you are 50.  When I finally got out of this relationship I felt like a new man.  I was myself again.
But, again, I fell into a trap.  As I was having fun and being myself I met a girl.  Single mother (strike one).  Coworker (strike 2) and we moved in together after 6 months where I payed most of the bills (3, I'm out).  I was gaga for this girl, thinking I was all in love and this was the one I would marry.  We had our problems when the sex wore off and reality set in.  Now we are not together, but still live together.  I pay only half of what it costs there.  I will be moving as soon as I can.
I was really hurt about this whole relationship ending.  I recalled that you made me feel better about women when I had listened to you years earlier, so I found a website with shows of yours from 2003 through the end in 2009 I think.  I started listening.  You made me feel better and better, finally one day you hit on something and I had an epiphany.  I just started to think differently.  My life up until then was about handing over everything I had to women because they are rocking in bed.  Always being the jealous type wondering what they are doing at all times.  Being a big PUSSY.  Women don't want the nice guy.  Even the ones that say they do.
So thank you Tom, you really saved my life.  Superficially, people may listen to the show and think you just bash women for ratings.  I started to look deeper, and your show is about making life fair for men again.  Society has tried to beat us down, saying that its not ok to be men anymore.  We cant like porno, video games, leaving the toilet seat up, too many beers on friday night.  We are supposed to never burp, fart, or do anything fun.  Then we pay for everything.
Pamper and please these porkchop women anyway we can, all with no thanks then we get a crapsmeared boot smashed in our face.  All for what?  For giving up everything we enjoyed doing.
Now I really dodged some bullets since I was 18.
I got a girl pregnant when I was 20.  She almost didn't have the abortion.  She finally had it, I foot the bill for that one.
Next was a fat virgin who wanted to be treated like a princess all without offering anything in return.
Next was the mentally abusive bitch who almost beat me into an engagement and living together.  We broke up the day we were supposed to sign the lease
Next was a chick with an eating disorder who required constant confirmation that she was ok
Next was the single mother co-worker with whom I now live.
Tom, I was so drunk with testosterone with the most recent one thinking she was 'the one' that she could have easily nailed me with an early pregnancy and early marriage.  Didn't happen.  The worst thing I have now is I live with her.  I decided to not have sex with her anymore once I started listening to you again.  I had a private party session when I saw some feminine products in the trash and knew I was in the clear for real.
You are saving an entire generation of men getting their asses kicked by women.  The ass-kicking needs to stop.  Men should be men.
I look forward every day to setting up my own place again exactly how I want it, and possibly never living with a girl again.  They do think they have golden pussys and that any man is lucky to get in there.
You are right about everything.  I can't quite figure out how to be a jerk and sleep with women cuz I have been a nice guy for 31 years...but as far as life being just for me and not catering to some bitch......THANK YOU.
What do you think is wrong with women these days? why are they like this?  were they always this bad?
I hope you come back on the air to save countless more lives.
Not sure if you read this email address anymore, but just wanted you to know what good things you have done.  You really save lives.
If you use this text anywhere please don't use my real name.
Thanks Tom.  You are the best.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Spoiled, demanding, my-way-or-the-highway VK girl wrote:
I am with my fiance for six years. Our wedding is only four weeks away but he does not want to go through with it. This is what happened.
I am Vietnamese and he is nguoi Tay. I was with him after a bad break up with my ex. We have our good times and of course many fights. Most of the fights are little things and I am always the one that makes me chase after me and make him say sorry. I have a serious trust issues because of what happened to me in the past and he knew this. But he did tried to cheat on me before, but and unopen condom is still not cheating according to him.
Just in the last couple of months, the started to hide his relationship status from his facebook. I asked him why, he said "there's no reason". He started added new friends on facebook and they are the type of girls that he likes. I questioned him again, but he said nothing. Last week, we had a little fight over something so stupid. But I let it drags on because I didn't want to give in. Now, he went to facebook and announced that the wedding is off. In two hours time, he will go with his dad to cancel the honeymoon and cancel the church.
He told me that he still wants to be with me but I doesn't want to get married to me. That he still loves me. He is firm with his decision and I can't do anything to make him change his mind. I felt so ashame to face anyone because of this. I haven't told my parents or friends yet.

first of all, i have to admit words can't explain how entertained i am reading posts like these.

HAHAHA...selfish, self-centered VK girls who think they are the center of the fuking UNIVERSE get ditched by guys who have had enough of their demanding asses (financially and emotionally). gotta love it.:cheer:

this white guy must be a regular at my website.

second, look at what this she wrote:

"Last week, we had a little fight over something so stupid. But I let it drags on because I didn't want to give in ...blah blah blah... Most of the fights are little things and I am always the one that makes me chase after me and make him say sorry"

does this sound like a woman who's ready for marriage? what kind of self-respecting males would want to come home everyday to her high maintenance ass? in my book, she'd be lucky to get 3 dates in a row with the same guy. they were together for 6 years????? really? now either this guy is VERY low in self-esteem or he had been planning to dump this chic from the get go. i'm guessing the later. :lol: :lol: :lol: i bet he had his fun with other chics behind her back while telling her what she wants to hear ("i'm so sorry" "it's all my fault" "i can't live without you" hahahha).

because that's exactly what i would do to these dumb ho'. these and the gold-miners are the PERFECT types of ho' to hit & run. just tell them what they want to hear, show them what they hope to see ($$$). make them think you are in it for the long haul. make them think you are head over heels for them. and these ho' are a dime a dozen because normally self-respecting males RUN from them. when they try to close the deal (to collect vaginamony), we tell them "sorry honey but i your ass just doesn't excite me anymore." :lol: :lol: :lol:

the Professor congratulates this white guy for doing the right thing which is DTB (Dump That Bitch).

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


a very dumb VK guy named cangxe said:

Consider these facts:

Couples with higher education and higher income are less likely to have marriage problems. (People everywhere must be wondering what genius came up with the research grant to study this.) But, let’s look at some of the stats related to divorce within the first 10 years of marriage:

Any amount of college decreases the chance of divorce by 13 percent
An income over $50,000 decreases the chance of divorce by 30 percent
Couples with an income under $25,000 have a 50 percent chance of ending up getting divorced. []

The dude [he's referring to me] keeps quoting the overall divorce rate (unreliable), while ignoring that for educated people, the divorce is quite a bit lower for college educated people, especially if they make decent money.
this idiot cangxe sounds young, naive, inexperienced and extremely ignorant of the American life. Did he just get off the boat last month or something? i feel like donating some time to the less fortunate today so i'll give him some lessons.

while his posts are lengthy, they contain zero substance not a single fact that helps his case.

this is his ONLY counterargument:

"Any amount of college decreases the chance of divorce by 13 percent
An income over $50,000 decreases the chance of divorce by 30 percent
Couples with an income under $25,000 have a 50 percent chance of ending up getting divorced. []"

while those numbers are accurate, in order for them to help his argument, he first has to prove that Viet Kieus are:

1) more educated than the average
2) making more money than the average

otherwise, VKs suffer the same divorce rate as the rest of the country (by the definition of "average." try to wrap your brain around that, i know many people at VF have difficulties grasping this big word), if not HIGHER.

he can't prove 1) and 2) it because none of them is true. in fact, in reality, it's the opposite. how do i know this? ahhh.. it's because i'm more educated than he is. i am a highly educated professional while he's probably a fobby waiter serving Bun Bo Hue at Pho 54. if he bothered to educate himself on the history of Asian Americans and U.S immigration policies, he wouldn't have brought this up.

did you know that only 16% of Vietnamese have a college education while the nation's average is at 30%? did you know that Vietnamese Americans make much much less than the average American?

why is this? I'll leave this to cangxe to find out. consider this his homework assignment for tonight.

moreover, if the claim that income and education affect the chance of divorce is true, then Viet Kieus should have a HIGHER divorce than the average Americans because we don't do as well as the rest of the country in terms of education and earning. so not only his argument failed, it backfired and bit in him in his FOB ass.

even if Viet Kieus do as well as the average American in education and earning (and therefore should have the same divorce rate as the rest of the country), his argument still doesn't make any damn sense. what about the 50% that WILL get divorced, whether they want it or not? this is what my guides and blogs are for, THESE 50% duh.

this guy is obviously an ignorant FOB who hasn't dated enough Western women to know anything about marriage and relationship in this country. i wouldn't be surprised if this fool was a virgin and the closet thing to a relationship with a VK girl he he ever had was drooling over Tila's youtube videos hahahahaha!

cangxe, stay in school kid. when you need more guidance come back here i'll school you some more.

Friday, October 15, 2010


As you might have noticed I have been deleting TONS of posts doing the past few days and it's all because one reason: it's because the arguments provided by these post didn't make any sense to me. Usually I don't respond to these but since I'm down with a cold today, I'm going to dissect them one by one and show you why each and everyone of them is fundamentally flawed. So get ready.

Poor argument #1: VN girls have questionable morals
Anyone can question VN girls moral values all they want but the numbers don't lie. Here are some statistics collected by the U.S government:

The latest divorce rate in the U.S between American men and American women is over 50%. The divorce rate in Southern California is between 60-75% [1]. Since California has the biggest VK population, it is safe to conclude that the range 60-75% is more applicable to Viet Kieus than the other number of 50%.

But at the same time, the divorce rate in Vietnam is only 15% and the divorce rate between American men and foreign brides is 20%.

Every time a couple gets divorced, chances are the women end up getting at least half of money to which they they have contributed very little. So as you can see, Western women (VK girls included) make a crap load of free money from divorcing their men. Therefore, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the ones whose morals should be questioned are VK girls, not VN girls because VN girls rarely divorce their husbands at all (15%, remember?). If you question VN girls morals but you fail to address this issue then your argument is flawed and I don't care how many VN girls marry for a green card, the fact remains that even though there are SOME VN girls who marry for a green card, they are only a small minority in compared to the HUGE amount of gold digging VK girls in the States. So in the end, it's still a MUCH better decision to marry a VN girl because the chance of running into a green card ho in VN is much less than the chance of running into a gold digger in the States.

It's very clear, like black and white.

This is the last time that I'm addressing this concern. So if I see any comments in the future along the line of "VN girls only want green cards or VN girls are different these days" without saying why I'm wrong in my argument. I will simply delete it without any explanations whatsoever. I don't care how long you write or how nice you are, it will be deleted.

Poor argument #2: I should be nicer to VK girls for the "well being" of the VK communities

No. I won't. Why should I give a damn about this community when half of it (namely VK girls) is rotten and doesn't care about me and other VK guys like me?

Many VK guys are  going back to VN to get married because VK girls demand way too much. If they cared about us, they wouldn't have asked us to break our backs to "afford" them. We frankly don't think they are worth that much. In fact, we think they are just a bunch of chubby, loud-mouthed overpriced wannabes who can't cook, don't clean, and just lay there in bed at night expecting the men to do all the work. Who the hell wants that?

To make the matter worse, for years, VK girls even go as far as to insult guys who go back there to get married AND their VN wives. They call these men "losers" and their VN wives green card ho's. And they do that because they have become the evil bitches of the Western world. I don't care if it's done out of hate, jealousy or insecurity, the fact of the matter is whom we VK men marry is none of their business. VK girls, mind your own business and keep your dumb mouths shut please.

In each and everyone of Mob movies every made, once the FBI has gotten enough evidence against a Mob, somebody will talk to get a lesser sentence. They don't give a fuck about the Italian blood line or the Sicilian heritage. They'll try to save their own asses. And that's after years or even decades of having each others back in some of the worse dog-eat-dog neighborhoods in America.

"Every man for himself" said one of the wisest guys ever lived.

So now you see why it's silly to ask me to be nice to VK girls just for the "greater goods" of our people HA HA HA. Did they have my back? Nope. Quite the contrary.

Yep! FUCK VK girls.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Ever since I published my email on this site I have been receiving hundreds of emails a day! While half of them are from the angry VK girls, the other half are from my VK brothers asking me to help them with their relationship issues. I have a busy life so I can never respond to everyone of you. However, I do want to pick out a few good ones once in a while and answer them. And today is one of those days.

As for the angry emails from the loud-mouthed VK girls, I have a software called Bit-chFil-Ter so their emails are automatically moved to the spam folders before I even open my my mailbox. I find it extremely hilarious that many of them have been coming to this website on a daily basis and spreading their lies, starting rumors (to scare VK guys),  making idle threats, putting curses on me etc. etc. These girls spend many hours a day writing their essays here but when I get home from work, in 3 seconds, I make all their lies disappear ha ha ha!!!!!!

Lets start with a VF post made by yet another money hungry VK girl (buonviai2000):
hi everybody, i have this problem recently, i need help. i have been going out with this guy for like 10month. he 8years older than me. during this 10month, he seem nice, he not a clubbing guy, have a good career. Recently we just discuss about financial, he told me that if we get marry, he would pay for everything. He doesn't expect me to pay anything. b/c i dont make that much money. but what ever he has in his saving before we get marry, he would like to transfer all that money to his retirement account. he dont want us to touch that money. he want to save it for the future retirement. ( this sound like he does't want me to touch his money) just in case in the future if we get divorce this money will still belong to him, instead got slit in two ) what ever i have in my saving account before we get marry, he not going to touch it, he tell me to keep it for myself. Is this normal for a guy? is he being ich ky? or keo kiet? should i continuos with this relationship? please help
Typical GOLD-DIGGING VK girl...always looking for a guy to rob. if you don't let them rob you they call you cheap, stingy, ich ky, etc. LOL

If she isn't looking for a gold mine to dig, why does she care about where his money goes? it's not her money, why is it any of her business? obviously she wants to get this guy's money, hence her concerns. i always advise all of you VK guys to get a pre-nup, regardless of whom you are married to or how much money you make.
also don't forget to put down in the pre-nup that she needs to give you sex at least 3 times a week or she's FIRED!!!!!!!

Next, I have a question from a VK guy named "justme":

car dude,

like you, i've given up on vk girls, especiallly in man jose. i'm planning to move to vietnam in 2011 and take my time in finding a wife.

my reservation is that the vn girls will be nice at first and once they get the green card, they'll be cruel or dump you. how do you prevent this from happening? hooking up with the wrong vn girl.


First of all I'm sorry to hear you live in San -Ho- Se. I have been there several times, (and did some "hit & runs" while I was up there too ha ha ha), so I know there are a lot of Ho's up there.

Second, congratulation on making a big step that will change your life forever (for the better, of course). It doesn't take a genius to realize that for ANY given guy, the girls that he can get in VN are many many times younger, hotter and lovelier compared to the chubby, loud-mouthed, money-loving VK girls in the States.

So you have asked the question that means the most in this whole process of marrying a girl oversea; how do we know what her real intentions are? Yep it all comes down to this question. So here are some rules:

1) Don't hook up with chics you meet at the airport, clubs, bia-om, massage parlors, no matter how good they sound. This is a no-brainer, since most of them are working girls.

2) Only marry those who are 25 and older. Girls under 22 don't know what they want and girls under 25 tend to become another VK ho' when they get to the States. For most women the line is drawn at age 25. After 25 they don't change and will always remain sweet, lovely traditional girls like the first day you meet them.

3) Don't marry girls who need "rescuing." You are back there looking for a wife, not to save VN women from hunger. Meet women who have an education, jobs and a normal family. And tell her upfront that you won't help her family. Bring up this issue and discuss it openly. If the girl truly loves you. She shouldn't have a problem with it.

4) Ask her if she's willing to sign a pre-nup. I know VK girls will murder you in your sleep when you mention this. But girls who truly love you don't give a damn about it. Remember, girls who like you will never call you cheap and the ones who do never like you to begin with. When girls love you, they agree with you! They want you to keep your money, not take it away. Women who call men cheap are usually the ones who look for gold mines to dig. If they don't want to take advantages of a guy's financial situation, why do they care whether he's cheap or not? So when you mention a pre-nup, the gold diggers will start packing and the ones who stay are usually keepers.

5) And finally, how do you know if she's not in it for the green card. This is going to surprise you but it's easiest thing: marry one with self-respect and integrity. If you get married at 35 like I suggest you'll be able to spot these women easily. This is one of the reasons why I tell guys not to get married before 35: you don't have the smarts, the determination, and the finance before then (for most guys anyways). Here's the love life of a VK man in a nutshell:

13-18: constantly horny (as you can see, this is the worst period to get married).
19-25: college and job (if you get married during this period you are an idiot. family will only slow you down. still you haven't been in many relationships to figure out women and yourself).
26-30: this is your prime dating period. you should be done with school and out there banging chics left and right, esp now that you have the money. this is when you are going to gain experience, skills and wisdom. by the time you are 30 you should be able to tell the good ones from the bad ones.
30-35: the best time to look for a a wife (yes it takes that long, don't be an idiot and marry a girl you have known for only 6 months. wait at least 2 years).

After this, it's no longer a love life, it's a married life. The fun stops here.

Good luck.

Professor car_dude

Saturday, October 9, 2010


a few weeks ago i allowed anonymous comments on the site because i realized not everyone had a Google account and while I didn't want this site to be another VietFun nor did I want to steal any traffic from that site, I wanted to give VK guys an option to reply to my posts and hopefully tell some of their success stories as well.

well one strange and DISTURBING fact i have observed since that change is that most of this site's visitors are VK girls. based on the content the maturity level of the comments left by them, i can tell that most of them feel very threatened and insecure. the thoughts of young and hot VN girls "stealing" their men have clouded their judgment and made them said the craziest, most ignorant and irrational things i have had the displeasure of experiencing.

now I'm not going to sit back and let a bunch of angry and jealous women destroy this great website which has been the voice of reasons for many VK guys around the world for many years, so I removed their ignorant comments. furthermore, i want to give them my first and last warning: listen VK girls, if your post falls into any of the below categories, it may get deleted:

1) you misinterpret my blogs. i don't care whether you can't read or you try to distort my views on purpose, if  your post demonstrates your misunderstanding of my words, it will be thrown in the trash can. don't even bother coming back a couple of days later and cry "why you doing this to me! no fair! why life no fair blah blah"

2) you don't know how to read. for example, if you bring up that stupid argument that VN girls will become VK girls after a few years of living in the West, even when I had already proven this to be incorrect in my very first post, then you are not allowed to speak here. learn to listen before you talk.

3) you come here to spread stupid, untrue rumors. (i know you couldn't help it hahaha) i don't care if a VN girl divorced you or your friend or your cousins best friends uncles neighbors brother. from my experiences, most of these "horror" stories are deliberately made up by the angry, jealous VK girls as their numerous attempts to discredit their competition (VN girls). tons of VK guys in my company have married in VN and none of them have been divorced. no one in my friend circle or my family and relatives has divorced their VN wife. actually no one i know in real life has ever been divorced by his VN wife. but when i get on the net it's a different story. there are countless rumors out there so i have to conclude that they are bullshit and the angry, bitter VK girls are behind all of this.

4) you come here to insult me, threaten me, put a curse on me, cast a spell on me or try any kind of "voodoo" crap on me. HAHAHA. yep it is hilarious that i have to remind VK girls of this but they have done this in the past. come on we have almost discovered life on another planet. time to get out of the jungle.

5) you get loud, obnoxious, low-class, uncivilized and well just plain trashy. i know you VK girls are naturally this way but try to control your mouth here or i will kick your butt out of here.

yep so VK girls, listen up and listen good, either you act like responsible adults here or i will spank you.

as far as this blog is concerned, I AM your DADDY.

behave or ELSE!

Professor car_dude