As you know from my previous guide "Viet men should go back to VN to get married," you should not go back to VN to find a wife until you are 32. that will give you approximately 3 years to find a hot & lovely wife in VN before you marry her at 35. 35 is a good age to get married. by then you should have a 4-year degree, a stable job, a condo and some money put aside for marriage. Marrying at 35 and not earlier gives you plenty of time to figure yourself out, what you want in life and what you want in a lover. Doing these things will help you make better decisions when it comes to choosing a wife and making your marriage work.
So what do you do before you are 32? You should have fun with VK girls as much as you can. As you already know by now, VK girls are not marriage material. They like to dress like bimbos, open their mouths a lot (or too much) yet they are very empty upstairs.
1) [b]What this guide is[/b].
I need to talk a little bit about this guide so people will know what to expect.
First of all I cannot take credit for all of the information presented here. This guide does contain materials taken from the Tom Leykis show and David D. and Doc Love's dating articles and various sources found on the web.
This a no nonsense, no BS guide to dating VK chics. It is a very politically incorrect guide and it speaks nothing but the truths. If you are easily offended or a VK girl, you need to stop reading IMMEDIATELY.This guide is for dating VK chics and not any other types of chics. One thing about VK chics is the fact that they like to play mind games just like white chics. If you have dated a white chic before you'd know that they play games like crazy. To bang these chics, you have to beat them at their own games. If you don't even know the games, you have already lost and there goes your chance of banging them. This guide will show you the games they play and how to beat them. Dating white chics is very similar and you can use most of the techniques listed in this guide, while dating VN chics (who are marriage material) is totally different. You don't want to play games with your future wife. Just don't mess with the wife or you'll pay soon or later.
The main goal of this guide is to show VK men how to get laid with the least amount of money spent possible. Beside protecting your wallet, this guide also helps you protect your ego, your self-esteem and avoid being played by VK girls.This guide specializes in short-term relationships (3 months or until you get bored, whichever comes first), one night stands and hit & runs. I do not believe in long-term relationships with VK girls. Being in a long-term relationship with VK girls doesn't neccessarily give you more sex, but it CERTAINLY costs you more money, time & effort. You should only have long-term commitments with VN girls to whom you later marry.
Make no mistake about it; VK chics are only good for sex and nothing more, regardless of how good the sex is.This guide won't teach you how to fix your marriage or how to be in a long-term relationship. If you have games, you don't need to be in a relationship to get oyster on a regular basis. Guys who are in long term relationships are insecure, don't have any games or can't afford an apartment on their own. No man wants to be stuck with the same piece of ass day after day, unless they have to, that's the truth.
One bad thing about being a long-term relationship with VK girl is the fact that the longer you stay in the relationship, the easier it is to fall in love with them. And you NEVER, I repeat, NEVER want to fall in love with a VK girl; she will find out about it in an instant and take advantage of you. Falling in love is great, but not when you are in love with the wrong person. Have you ever heard of that song "When a man love a woman?" If you haven't, you should Google the lyric. It's one of those gay chic songs written by Michael Bolton but it's so damn true. Love turns you into a complete idiotic sucker. You don't want to be such a helpless fool. Falling in love with VN girls is OK because most of them won't harm you while falling in love with a VK girl can be devastating to your wallet and the well-being of your mind. The moment you think you begin to have feelings for a VK chic, dump her immediately or else you'll be stuck with her for a many months to come, paying for her rent, utilities, clubbing, shopping, clothes, taking her to the outlets every weekend and missing out on the other flowers in the garden. Once she knows you are in love with her, she knows she's already got you. She'll try to milk the cow all she can and you'll agree to do anything she asks because you are a in love, and therefore, a complete wuss. You should be out screwing a new girl every 2-3 weeks and not stuck with the same girl. And I have news for you; with same girl, the sex only gets worse, it doesn't better.This is going to be a lengthy guide because there are so many things to talk about. I'll start adding new stuffs as we go along. If you want to me to write about some certain topics, please post your requests here and I'll do my best to fulfill them.
First I need to talk about some important concepts. These are the foundation on which many of my techniques are built.
2) [b]Attraction is not a choice[/b].
Women don't choose who they are attracted to. Attraction just HAPPENS; they look at you and they know whether they want to sleep with you or they don't. It means that attraction is something a woman feels. It cannot be reasoned or justified. If a woman is attracted to you, no one else can convince her otherwise. But when she's not attracted to you or no longer attracted to you, there's no amount of convincing, reasoning or logic from anyone that will make her change her mind. Attraction happens at the subconscious level and no one can control it. The subconscious level of your brain is the part you can't control, yet it controls most of the things you do everyday without you realizing it.
This concept is very important to us because we need to weed out those who don't want to spread their legs for us and drop them immediately. The US is a very superficial and materialistic country, many of the women here DO want to take advantage of you financially. Many of the the VK girls will PRETEND to like you, without intending to sleep with you EVER, so they can get free meals, movies, vacations, trips to the outlets. Many of them will go out with you and act like your gf in public but she won't sleep with you. These chics aren't attracted to you but they want to be around you to make people think she has a boyfriend (creating further competitions among the guys who know her). They just need a guy to show off at parties, family events, etc. so they can look good in front of people. If you have known her for only a couple of weeks and she's already asking you to meet her friends or family, that's a red flag right there.We need to give them each of these chics a series of tests; if they fail the tests, we drop them. If she doesn't want to sleep with you, move on. Don't spend time and money trying to convince her what a great guy you are. Chances are it won't work and it prevents you from checking out other women who DO want to sleep with you. The reason you keep hearing that, a woman knows within the first 5 minutes whether she wants to sleep with you or not, is because it's true.
So here are some VERY concrete rules when it comes to gauging her attraction level for you:
a) Always try to land a kiss by the end of the first date. Women who want to sleep with you WILL kiss you on the first date, and those who don't won't do it. As a man, you have to risk rejections. No pain no gain. You MUST try to kiss her by the end of the first date to find out whether she's attracted to you. By kissing her by the end of the fist date; you are sending a very important message; you have CONFIDENCE (which women dig) and you are attracted to her. It makes it crystal clear to her that you are planning to move forward physically so if she's a FOB (who requires 20 dinner dates to put out) or wants to save her virginity, she has no place in our life. Instead of complimenting her 10 times like a needy nerd who hasn't been laid in years, you DON'T give any compliments at all and kiss her in the end. It will certainly surprise her because most guys will kiss ass and turn into a wussy on the first date, especially if the chic is hot. They will compliment too much and don't have the balls to kiss her. You need to stand out from the crowd, set yourself apart from the losers and you'll get her attention IMMEDIATELY. Besides, women love bad boys. Don't ever be afraid to be a bad boy.
So how do you kiss her on the first date? To me, there are only two kinds of chics on my first dates; the ones who will go to a motel with me later that same night, and the ones who won't. You can tell whether a girl is ready for sex by giving her a few tests or just by picking up some signals from her. I will talk more about these test & signals later (because there are a lot of them which I don't have time to get to right now). But for now, here's what you need to know; for the chics whom you plan to have sex with later at the motel, you kiss her in the middle of the date. You can park along the beach, in a dark alley or somewhere quiet with not a lot people around. You start by playing with her hair or her hand first. If she refuses to let you do so, she won't kiss you. Just drive her home and don't call her ever again. Just say let me see your hand, say you'll read her palm. Then tell her that her palm says she's a pervert. That should make her laugh and after that you can bring her handclose to your lips or put one hand on her thighs to broadcast that a kiss is coming. If you want to start with her hair, say "you have nice hair," then play with her hair with 1 or 2 fingers. If things go well, you should start touching her neck, kinda massage it a little, sending a signal that kiss is coming. If she doesn't want to kiss you, she'll stop you in the middle of these and it won't be such a big deal because you haven't kissed her yet.
If she kisses you, 3 minutes later, you should move on to the next step; touch her breasts. If she doesn't stop you, move your hand UNDER her shirt, her bras and play with her nipples. If she doesn't stop you, move on to her oyster. If she lets you touch her oysters, chances are she'll have sex with you that night. As soon as you get your hand there, give her a little sample, rub her little "peanut" for 1 or 2 minutes to make her phe then stop. You stop so you'll leave her wanting more, making it easy for her to go to a motel with you. Now this part can be awkward; how do you ask a chic to go to a motel with you. Here's a very easy way; the moment you stop playing with her peanut, you immediately stop kissing her and say "Lets go to a motel/my place." This makes it easy for her and she doesn't have to answer yes or no. Most of the time they'll just keep quiet because they are still phe :D so you can just take her to wherever you want.If you don't think she'll have sex with you that night, you have to kiss her at the end. Here's how you do it. When you drop her off, before she gets out of the car, she should turn to you and give you a hug. If she doesn't, you should immediately comment "no hug?" and chances are she'll turn around. If she doesn't she's either a FOB or someone who wants to keep her virginity until marriage or worst she could have bigger issues such as being sexually abused as a kid, having problems with getting intimate with men. Doesn't matter what the case is, she has nothing we want. Case close. If she turns around, you give her a hug, squeeze your arms for 2-3 seconds to let her know you are interested in her then move your head back and put your lips REAL close to hers without letting go out your arms. If she doesn't turn her face away, she definitely wants a kiss. You should gently kiss for 3-5 seconds then stop; you want to leave her wanting more. There is noneed to go all out because you won't bring her home the night anyways. But if she turns her face away, don't ever call her again.
b) Always try to have sex before the end of the 3rd date. If she doesn't want to have sex by then, don't ever call her again. You should try what I have suggested above first; park at a quiet place and work your magic fingers. If that doesn't work, near the end of the 3rd date, just ask bluntly "Would you like to check out my paintings/fish tank/whatever at my place?" Force the issue so you know where she stands; either she's in or out. There's a VERY good reason for presenting this question on the 3rd date but not the 2nd, the 4th or 5th date; most chics know about the this sex-by-the-3rd-date-or-you-are-out rule, so when you ask the question, it's obvious to them that you are giving them an ultimatum; either they spread their silky smooth legs or they will never hear from you again. Giving her an ultimatum won't make her change her mind about sleeping with you, however, if she DOES want to have sex with you, now is the chance to show it before it istoo late.
That's it for today. If you want to see more, let me know.
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Monday, July 13, 2009
Reasons why Viet Kieu Guys Should Get Married in Vietnam
These are the reasons why I think Viet men, young or old, rich or poor, handsome or ugly, should go back to VN and get married. If you are already romantically involved and happy, this is not for you. But if you find yourself unhappy with your current dating situation, perhaps reading this will open a new, better and happier chapter in your life.If you don't want to read all of this or can't read that much, you should especially pay attention to the text in bold. These are very IMPORTANT things and can make HUGE differences in your life.
1) It's easier to find a pretty woman there without spending a fortune on her. Women here expect you to drive luxury cars, eat at fancy restaurant and take them clubbing and shopping on the weekends. Women in VN aren't that demanding and they LOOK BETTER too. Just bring them here and after 1 year they'll know how dress and look much better than the chics you can get here.
2) Most of them have feminine traits and all the good qualities for raising our kids. American V chics all try to be white and have become too demanding and b*tchy. They ask for too much but provide very little in return. They don't cook (or pretend they don't know how) don't clean, don't do anything for you.
3) She doesn't demand a stupid $20K DeBeer ring.
4) American V chics like to play mind games just like white girls. Who needs that?
5) A Vietnamese mother can teach our kids about our culture better than a banana chic. If you marry one of those retarded banana chics your children will grow up hating themselves, you and everyone who is Vietnamese. Stay AWAY from bananas. They are all retarded and have no self-esteem.
6) We don't have to look at those ridiculous blond/brown wigs. Vietnamese women only look good with black hair. Keep it that way you deranged low self-esteemed hoes! Some VK girl even had the nerve to come in here and tell me they were just "trying to assimilate" into the American culture. This excuse sounds very desperate to me. Many Asians have assimilated into the American culture without dying their hairs. These female Asians did not dye their hair and yet they are all famous celebrities in America: Kelly Hu (actress), Lucy Liu (actress), Leyna Nguyen (news reporter), Vera Wang (fashion designer), the Asian chic in Grey's Anatomy. In fact, you will never see a female Asian celebrity whose hair is dyed. The moment they dye their hair, everyone, white people included, knows that they are low in self-esteem, hating the way they look and try to be something they are not (white). Needless to say, they won't get much respect from whites or the public and people will just move on to another celebrity who has more respect for herself and her heritage.
Some VK girls will say that they don't want to be white, they just want to try "new things" for their looks. This excuse is so bogus and laughable I don't know where to begin. If they just want to try something new, why not tan their skin to look like black girls, or make their hair red and nappy like those girls from Africa? Why not try out blue, green, or gray for their hair color instead of just brown and blonde? Why MUST they try hair colors naturally available ONLY to white people (brown and blond) ??
7) She doesn't expect you to be a doctor, laywer, or an Investment Banker. This is good for guys who don't do well financially. You can make minimum wage here and still get a very pretty girl in VN. I know many guys who have done this. And there is no shame in doing this. White males have been doing this since forever. American women have become too fat, too lazy, too self-centered and self-serving so American men have been looking for romance elsewhere.
8) Vietnamese women (women in VN, not here) are more loyal. They stay in marriage longer than the women here. Women here all want to be feminists they don't give a damn about marriages or children. Ophra (the biggest feminist in this country, but certainly not the fattest ha ha) says that the moment the woman doesn't feel happy in her marriage, she should end it. Marriage is a long term commitment and isn't easy. You can't treat it like a date. She hates men (she was repeatedly raped by her step father when she was 12. All true, I'm not making this up.) and now she trying to get all the women to hate men too. But the weird thing is that women in this country listen to witches like her. It's stupid. No wonder the divorce rate is over 60%, so many children grow up in broken homes and crime rate just keep going up and up.
9) For guys who can't speak English well, it's certainly easier for you to cu*a ga'i in VN.
10) For guys who are short. It's certaily easier for you to get women in VN. The Viet chics here are dumb, they watch basketball and they think all men should be like those black athletes. They all desire guys who are 5'10 and taller but they are like 5'0-5'2 hahaha that's retarded. Sometimes you see these couples and can't help but feel bad for them; the white guy has no standards at all and has to go for a girl who is half his height and the girl's self-esteem is so low she has to get a guy twice her height to mask her insecurities.
11) Do not believe those stupid rumors spread by the women here about how Vietnamese girls would dump you after getting their green cards. Yes there are hoes who marry you for money or green cards but let me ask you, you think only Woman in VN do that? You'd probably have a bigger chance of marrying to a gold digger here in the states. Another thing, if you are smart, you can tell whether the girl really likes you or is just in it for the green card. Take your time, get to know them and chose the best one. It's worth the trouble and you end up with a sweet and decent & HOT chic, not some angry-bitter-feminized-banana-blond-wannabe-reject in the state!
12) Marrying chics oversea is good for your Viet brothers in the long term. Well it all comes down to supply and demand. Since girls in the states demand more than they can offer (nuoc ma'm len gia') we have to bring in more supply oversea to bring the price down (then nuoc ma'm xe xuong gia' again).
13) You do this to piss off girls in the states. Trust me women are very catty and insecure. You think women dress and put on make-up to impress men? BIG FAT WRONG! They dress to compete among themselves. Ask any love coach and they'll tell you. With that in mind, imagine you bringing here a hot wife from VN to compete with them. Now, for any given guy, the girl you can get in VN is MUCH MUCH prettier than the girl you can get here. So when you do that. You piss the hell out of them. It's gonna drive them crazy! hahahhaha! To make it even worse for them, they can't do the same thing you did. They can't just go to VN and marry a good looking guy because Viet women always marry up in the social ladder (they only marry guys with higher social status). And whose fault is this?? Let me hear it! Yeah that's right THEIR FAULT! A white woman might marry a poor guy but I don't think A viet woman would do that.
14) If you do your wedding in VN (and you should because if you have taken the economical route you might as well go all the way, right?) then you could save up to $30K or so depending on what kind of wedding you want. Everything is so cheap there and the girls there don't demand ridiculously expensive things for the wedding. They are already ecstatic and grateful that you married them they don't wish for anything else. Morever, if many of your friends are Americans and you have a wedding here then you are screwed. People want to invite Vietnamese to the wedding so they can give you money instead of gifts to reduce the cost of the wedding. However, Americans only do gifts. I'm gonna get a little phisolophical here and say that it makes sense to have been born in VN, marry the love of your life in VN then later in your older years, die in VN (VN is probably one of the best places for retirement, no doubt). Wouldn't that be perfect? It's unfortunate that our country has been through so many wars and now is so poor that we have to live oversea. But if I can at least do the 3 things above, I think I'll die a happy old man.
15) We do this to help the economy of our mother country and to help many people find a better life in America. Every time we go back, we bring the US dollars with us and help the economy there. Our country has been through many wars and certainly can use a boost from tourism. We also do this to help our VN wives find a better life. It's unfortunate that we can only help on person (or one woman) at a time but it's still better than no helping at all. She then in turn can help her family once she's here.
16) Many women in VN are so poor they have to marry Taiwanese and Koreans and many have fallen victim to abusive marriages, frauds, and experienced all the humiliating things you could imagine. For every Vietnamese girl you bring to the states, there is one less Vietnamese girl going to TW or Korea, where she might become victim of a crime. I'm not saying all VK guys are perfect husbands but at least US laws protect women and children MUCH better than Taiwanese and Korean laws combined.
17) Among many stupid myths is the ignorant assumption that only "less-than-pefect" VK guys find love oversea. This is simple NOT true. Again and again, we have seen many young, good looking and successful professionals marry their wives oversea and it has NOTHING to do with how desirable the men are. However, it has A LOT to do with what they SEEK.
Men want a sweet, flexible, loving wife who is loyal has integrity and they have found that it's much easier to find those women oversea because the feminist movement in this country has gone too far. White men, even successful ones, have been looking in Asia, South America and Eastern Europe for romance since forever. I keep seeing many rich white men who only want to marry women who weren't raised in the US. It seems that the more educated men are, the more careful they are in chosing a life partner and therefore they pick the best ones for them; the women who weren't raised here. Don't believe me? Search the net for countless bride-order-websites featuring girls from South America, Asia, and Eastern Europe and ask yourself; if there's no customer, how come there are so many websites?If a "less-than-perfect" viet guy can go back to VN and get a beautiful wife, and you are a much better man than he is, you should be able to get a much prettier wife. It's that simple. It's a win win situation for all viet men. Think about it, even Western men can't stand the feminist women in this country, how would you? We should be smart, put our egos aside and get a girl in VN.
18) Another stupid myth that keeps going around is that VN girls will leave you once then have gotten their green card or become Westernized. This is BULL, invented by VK girls, and is nothing more than just another sad & desperate attempt of theirs to discourage you from marrying oversea girls.
Fact #1: most marriages in this country end after 6 years.
Fact #2: most of the divorces in this country are filed by the women.
Fact #3: most marriages in VN last forever.
Any logical Viet male can see for himself that in order for him to have a long lasting marriage in this country, he should stay away from the Westernized females (who are the cause of most of the divorces in this country) and marry someone in VN. If you marry someone who's around 25 (the perfect age for a wive), she probably won't become Westernized. People are MUCH less likely to change their beliefs and values once they have aged over 22, especially women. You see so many Vietnamese immigrants who have been living in this country for over 30 years and yet they still stick with their spouse, eat the same food they had been eating in their home country, shop at Vietnamese supermarkets, listen to Vietnamese music, etc? Or just look at our parents. Well that's because they haven't assimilated into the American culture and they never will. Why? Because they came here when they were 25+. At that age, PEOPLE DON'T CHANGE. So all you have to do is pick a 25 y/o lady in VN to marry and she'll forever be a sweet, lovely, caring, flexible wife.
19) Many VK girls will tell you that it is financially wiser to marry a US girl because your VN wife wont' be able to work for a few years once she's here, and as a result, the family only has one income. This is a half-truth. Wait until you hear the rest of this. Yes she won't be able to make any money for a few years BUT she will stay married with you MUCH longer. What would you rather have? a wife who makes less money but stays with you for the long term or a wife who makes almost as much as you make but divorces you in 6 years and cause you to go bankrupted? Divorce is the the number ONE, I repeat, the NUMBER ONE reason why Western men are TERRIFIED of marriage. When you hear girls say men dont want to commit, what they are basically saying is that men don't want to risk losing his money. In California, if your wife divorces you, you will:
a) lose custody of your children and pay your ex-wife child support until the kids turn 18. How how do you know the ex-wife uses all of that money for your kids and not for her nose jobs or trips to the hair salons?
b) lose your house because the judge wants the kids to have a house to live in.
c) lose your car because the judge wants the ex-wife to use it to drive the kids to school.
d) lose half of your money/asset if not more.
e) support her financially (alimony) for a few years or for the rest of her life, depending on how much money she makes, how much money you make and how long you were married to her. Note that in California, if she stayed married to you for more than 10 years, most of the time, she can get alimony FOR LIFE. Yes that's right, you pay for her living expenses until she dies. In Texas, it is a little better, she has to stay married for 10 years in order to get alimony. And the worst place on earth for married guys is Massachuset where all alimonies last for the rest of the wives' lives. What a pussy whipped State.
f) spend roughly $15-20K in attorney fees just for yourself and go through custody and courtroom battles that can cost you your sleep, sanity, health and work productivity. Would getting a better attorney help? The better the attorney, the more money you will get, but they you'd have to spend more on attorney fees.
g) if you are the sole provider in the family, expect to spend another $15-20K for HER attorney fees even though she's at fault (she's crazy, committed adultery, etc.)
Since most marriages in this country ends in 6 years, most marriages in VN last forever and most immigrant couples (like our parents) stick together, marrying a VN girl is the better choice.
What if you picked the wrong VN woman to marry and she leaves you after she gets her green card? Well, if you get a pre-nup before you marry her, you won't have to give her a dime. And it's MUCH easier to get a VN girl to sign the pre-nup than to get a VK girl to sign one. VN girls are already happy and thankful that you marry and bring them to the US, they don't care that much about pre-nups. If you ever find yourself unfortunate enough to be in the situation in which you have to mention the idea of a pre-nup to a VK girl, I wish you the best of luck and may God have mercy on you. Because the VK girl will absolutely retaliate, beginning with something less damaging to your ego at first like throwing furniture at you. Then it will escalate to bigger things such as cancelling the wedding then dumping you and finally telling all her friends and family how cheap and evil you are, telling everyone at her AA meetings how cheap and evil you are, telling allthe girls you will date in the future how cheap and evil you are. And let the pains begin...
20) This is point number 20 and *IS* a good one. Thanks to HongNhan for bringing this up. Any guy who has dated newly arrived girls from VN knows that it usually takes 5-10 dinner dates to get past first base and probably 10-20 dates before you hit home run (hhahahahha I know it's painful). US girls are so easy you don't even have to try. Usually 2-3 dates are all it takes for you to declare "mission accomplished." And I don't even remember how many times I have declared this on the first date myself. And I'm not even a player!So why are US girls so easy (like white chics)? Well it's feminism at work again.
Feminists want equality in every aspect of life and sex is one of them. They want to go out, get guys' phone numbers and have one-night stands just like men do. They want to COMPETE with men when it comes to casual sex. Do I have a problem with that? Hell NO. It's fine with me but I definitely dont want a slut for a wife. What would you rather have? A clean, fresh and sweet virgin or someone who has been hot beef-injected by half of the guys in the city? Not to mention STDs, the heartaches, the headaches and decrease in self-esteem that usually come from dating a slut.So the best course of action for a guy is to have as much fun as you want here in the states with US girls but when you are around 32, go back to VN and start looking for a wife and marry one at 35, which is the perfect age for marriage.
21) Thanks to HongNhan again, we have point number 21. This is a good one for guys who want to have kids. I suspect most Viet guys do because we all want to have someone to take care of us when we are old and weak. We aren't white and we don't believe in nursing homes.
As most of you know, the US doesn't produce enough kids. In fact, the government has to encourage couples to have kids by giving them tax breaks because Westernized women don't want to have kids these days. Yes, there are many Western men who don't want kids as well, but it's mostly the women that cause this problem because they hate being pregnant (and lose their beautiful body). They also don't want to take a few years off from work thinking that it would put them at a disadvantage in their competition with men at work. A lot of US women don't want kids and many have them when they are over 30 (once they have gotten their graduate degree and secure a good position at work, etc.). To most Westernized women, their career comes before having kids.
Scientists say that the longer the woman waits to have children, the bigger the chance of birth deffects the kids have. When a woman is born, she has a bunch of eggs in her womb and these eggs are used in making babies. Unlike men's sperms, these eggs do not get replaced by new eggs; they stay in the woman's womb throughout her fertile years and they age as she ages. So by the time the woman is about 30, many eggs have already been rotten and the rest are slowly being rotten as well. So it might take her 2-3 years or even longer to have a kid. And when she finally has a kid, the kid is not as healthy as a kid she would have had when she was 20, statistically speaking.VN girls are a lot more traditional and family oriented. Most of them don't have a problem having kids. Beside, during the first few years they are in the US, they can't really work right away and have to study English so it's a good time to have a baby at this time. And if you marry a girl who's 25 like I suggested, her eggs are still in good shape and should produce instant, healthy, happy babies.
22) This is from HongNhan as well and what she said is pretty self-explanatory so I'm just going to quote her:"nghe nói...có mí Viet gal ở US...đó...tiếng dziệt cũng hỗng rành...tiếng anh cũng khg xong đó...@ least mí Viet gal ở VN...có excuse là opportunity to learn...hay gì gì đó..."
23) The assumption that VN girls only marry American husbands for money is wrong. It is as wrong as saying all the girls in VN are gold diggers. The fact is that there are more VK girls who marry for money than VN girl who marry for money, because the US is a lot more materialistic. People keep saying American men make the best husbands but American women make the worst wives. It's not hard to see why VN girls instantly fall in love with VK guys:
a) VK guys can bring their wives to live in the best country in the world. b) Living in America comes with freedom of speech, religion among many other kind of rights and liberties you don't find in other countries, especially in a poor and suppressed country like VN.
c) Women and children are better protected in the US than anywhere else in the world.d) American men are the most civilized, charming, capable and treat their women better than any group of men on earth.
e) VN women are very traditional and family oriented. They want to take care of their family too and what's a better way to help your family besides bringing them to the US?
f) Better education for VN girls in the US.
g) A MUCH BRIGHTER and BETTER future for women's kids. You have no idea how important this is to the women.h) What about Hollywood? Disneyland? the Cinderella story? the American dream? the dream of being on an exiciting, eye-opening and life-changing adventure? These are things that little girls dreamed about when they were growing up. America stands for ALL of those things. It's not about money, it's their hope, their dreams and you can't put a price on that.
24) Some VK girls will sometimes throw this BS at you hoping that you won't notice the rotten truth behind it; they'll claim that the only reason why VK men are going back to marry is because VK girls have become too "independent," suggesting that VK men go back to VN to marry because they want submissive wives and can't handle "independent" women. HA HA HA this is the biggest BS I have ever heard to date. Not only this is a vicious attack on VK men's intelligence and character, it is another sad and deperate attempts of theirs to cover up the ugly truth they don't want you to know; they are FAR from being independent. In fact a lot of them DEPEND on Viet men to make money and to have a financially secure life.
Once again, the main reasons why VK men go back and get married are because VK girls have become too b*tchy, demanding and heartless to deal with. We don't need a submissive wife. I personally want a wife who has an education, a good job so she can contribute to the family financially as much as I do. Just because VN girls stay in marriages longer, it doesn't mean that they are any more submissive than VK girls. It simply means that they prefer to stick with their spouses and work things out instead of filing for divorve over tiny little things like VK girls do. They believe that marriage is a life-time commitment, not a way to rob a man of his house, his car, and half of his money.
Speaking of being independent, when was the last time you have seen or heard a Viet girl who pays 50/50 when she dates or lives with someone? Viet girls are the WORST, I repeat the WORST when it comes to 50/50. Many white girls pay 50/50 on dates and when they live with someone and I totally respect that. If you are going to be one tough, strong, independent, modern Western girl, fine, be one. But you should also pay 50/50 for everything or you are just a big fat hypocrite. You can't be independent ONLY when it's convenient for you.VN girls are just as dependent on Viet men just as VK girls are, if not more. But at least they accept it. They admit it and they do that because they have integrity. And they cook, clean and do laundry and take care of the kids in return. VK girls keep claiming to be "independent," don't clean, don't cook, don't do anything and at the end of the month, don't pay a dime when the bills arrive. Writting this makes me just want to puke.
25) VK girls keep accusing me of being politically incorrect for generalizing them and how unfair & ignorant of me for making generalizations. However, at the same time, they keep stating that VN girls are all green card hoes and that they'll leave VK men once they have gotten their green cards, or established. See they can't have it both ways, if they accuse me of being politically incorrect for generalizing, they can't then turn around and generalize VN girls themselves. Doing this only make them look like a bunch of stupid hypocrites.
26) This point also came from HongNhan. Have you ever wondered why is it that every time someone brought up the topic of VK men going back to VN to marry, there are tons and tons of VK girls rushing into the conversation, instantly trashing VN girls, calling them green card hoes while bashing VK men at the same time, calling them "losers - who can't get any girl in the States." They also seem to never run out of bogus stories and rumors created to degrade VN girls, to destroy their credibility and prevent VK men from going back to VN. Is this simply jealousy or something more? Well it's more than just jealousy.VK girls are a group of miserable people and EVERYONE, not just VK men should stay away from them. Feminists, the models of US-VK girls, are not happy, content people. They all got their heart broken or abused by men at some time in their lives so their views of the world are rather dark and twisted. They don't believe in love, marriage or any relationship that involve men. They think men are the sources of all of their problems and they blame men for every single thing that went wrong in their lives.VK girls want to be like these Western feminists because what they preach seem too good to pass up; marry a guy for a few years, divorce him, get his house, his car, half his money and become financially "independent." Since divorce laws in this country cater to them, they virtually wear the pants in most of relationships in this country; the men are scared of being divorced (and bankrupted) so they have to put up with their b*tchy and demanding attitudes. They control their husbands like pupets and when the husbands don't give in, they file for divorce, get the house, the car, half the money and start looking for the next sucker. Most of them go through life robbing men of their money this way and never find love in their entire life. Therefore, they are angry, bitter, miserable and don't want anyone to be happy. This is precisely why they have been doing everything they can to prevent VK men from going back to VN to get married.
27) This point came from "cucon" and is a pretty good one. Have you ever noticed the ever increasing amount of fat VK girls in the States? It's really sad considering the only thing they have to do to cure them of their obesity is to NOT EAT LIKE A PIG!!!See! They don't need those stupid, high-priced diets (like South Beach, Atkin, low carb, etc.) everyone is wasting their money on, all they have to do is toNOT EAT LIKE A PIG!!!Isn't that simple??? Furthermore, if they can't even control their mouth, how can they control other holes?!?!?!
It's OK for a guy to be a little bit fat because men are expected by society to be big so they can protect their women. But there shouldn't be any excuse for a woman to be fat, except for pregnancy.VN is mostly an agriculture country. The people there mostly eat vegetables and very little in protein, regardless of how wealthy they are. VN girls, therefore, are in good shape, and they will bring their good eating habits to the US to better feed you and your kids.If you marry a VK girl, chances are she is already a little chubby when you first meet her. But this is just the beginning; she's the ticking time-bomb and the wedding is the detonator. And she'll instantly expand right after the wedding like a baloon (when the fish - you - has already taken the bait). She will never cook and she'll keep feeding you with McDonnalds, KFCs, Chinese take-outs until your cholesterol shoots up to the roof and kill you one day while she's on top of you, torturing you with all 200lbs of fat.This part came from HongNhan, once again. A lot of these "more to love" type VK girls go to the gym daily and it doesn't make any sense if you think about it. Why eat like a pig then go to the gym to burn off the fat? If you want to stay in shape, why not just NOT eat like a pig in the first place? Right there you can see these girls are just being ridiculous. Since time is money, it's quite obvious that VK girls are extremely unproductive for wasting time at the gym to work off the fat that they had previously spent an almost equally amount of time to put on. Does this make any sense to you? Do you think any rational, intelligent human being would do this? When you marry one of these VK girl; she works in the morning, then go to the gym afterwards. Then who will stay home and do the cooking? You??? And how would you like it when half the guy at the gym stare at her ass as she bends over and lift a 5 lbs dumbbell at the gym? You will never hear about VN girls going to the gym. They CAN control their mouths, and that's the big difference between VK girls and VN girls when it comes to healt & fitness. The wasted time spent at the gym could have been used to do something more useful to society or your family such as volunteering for community services or spending quality time with you or your kids.
28) If you happen to be chubby. It's much easier for you to cu*a ga'i in VN. In America, being fat means undesirable, unattractive, unhealthy, lazy, socially inept, etc. However, in VN, being fat means social status, rich, well-off, well-established, etc.
29) This last point is the final nail in the coffin. Hopefullly after reading this, you'll have a better idea of what you are going to do; marry in VN or in the States.I would like to introduce you to the most fascinating and brilliant male of the 21st century,( no it's not me, but thanks for thinking of me), professor Tom Leykis. THE #1 talk show host in the afternoon. His show was rated #1 in "most time spent" in 07 out of 29 shows in Los Angeles, the MOST competitive market in the US. So what's so special about this guy and why do so many people listen to him? It's very simple; he speaks the truths. He teaches men how to get laid with the least amount of money spent possible. He advises men NOT to move in with or marry a woman because, he says, the institutions of relationship and marriage in this country are faulty and favor women. He also advises men to always use condoms, don't have a relationship before 25, don't get married unless you are established and know what you want in life and if you still want to get married, always get a pre-nup. He is like a father figure to many people and many listeners call him "Dad."If you are a loser who wants to make minimum wage for the rest of your life working at McDonald, none of his teachings will matter to you. But if you want to advance in life, you want to listen to this man, as he can help you prevent making some of the biggest mistakes in your life. You can listen to his show live at over the Net 3PM-8PM PST.
His podcasts (previous episodes) can be found at
So what does this guy have anything to do with this thread?
Keep in mind that I wrote this thread BEFORE I started listening to his show. The crazy thing is that the more I listen to him, the more he sounds like me in this thread. This proves one thing; THE THINGS I SAY IN THIS THREAD ARE REAL, THAT'S WHY THERE IS A SHOW ON THE RADIO ABOUT THEM.
But here's another striking similarity between me and him; he doesn't go out with American women and certainly DO NOT want to marry any of them. Since his show is very popular in Los Angeles and he has been in the broadcasting business for over 20 years now, he's a self-made multi-millionaire. He has a 7 figure income, (for you math majors, it's over a milliion USD), he has a house in the Hollywood Hill and a vacation house in Santa Barbara. This guys is LOADED and he can get ANY girl he wants. You would think he'll go for the hot white American chics but guess what! He only goes out with foreign born women because he believe that US-raised women are just too b!tchy, demanding, and frankly, just a bunch of gold diggers who can't keep their mouths shut.So once again, as I had said before, EVEN SUCCESSFUL WHITE MALES DO NOT WANT TO HAVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH AMERICAN WOMEN, you need to put your ego aside, marry and girl in VN and avoid making the biggest mistake of your life; marrying a VK girl.
1) It's easier to find a pretty woman there without spending a fortune on her. Women here expect you to drive luxury cars, eat at fancy restaurant and take them clubbing and shopping on the weekends. Women in VN aren't that demanding and they LOOK BETTER too. Just bring them here and after 1 year they'll know how dress and look much better than the chics you can get here.
2) Most of them have feminine traits and all the good qualities for raising our kids. American V chics all try to be white and have become too demanding and b*tchy. They ask for too much but provide very little in return. They don't cook (or pretend they don't know how) don't clean, don't do anything for you.
3) She doesn't demand a stupid $20K DeBeer ring.
4) American V chics like to play mind games just like white girls. Who needs that?
5) A Vietnamese mother can teach our kids about our culture better than a banana chic. If you marry one of those retarded banana chics your children will grow up hating themselves, you and everyone who is Vietnamese. Stay AWAY from bananas. They are all retarded and have no self-esteem.
6) We don't have to look at those ridiculous blond/brown wigs. Vietnamese women only look good with black hair. Keep it that way you deranged low self-esteemed hoes! Some VK girl even had the nerve to come in here and tell me they were just "trying to assimilate" into the American culture. This excuse sounds very desperate to me. Many Asians have assimilated into the American culture without dying their hairs. These female Asians did not dye their hair and yet they are all famous celebrities in America: Kelly Hu (actress), Lucy Liu (actress), Leyna Nguyen (news reporter), Vera Wang (fashion designer), the Asian chic in Grey's Anatomy. In fact, you will never see a female Asian celebrity whose hair is dyed. The moment they dye their hair, everyone, white people included, knows that they are low in self-esteem, hating the way they look and try to be something they are not (white). Needless to say, they won't get much respect from whites or the public and people will just move on to another celebrity who has more respect for herself and her heritage.
Some VK girls will say that they don't want to be white, they just want to try "new things" for their looks. This excuse is so bogus and laughable I don't know where to begin. If they just want to try something new, why not tan their skin to look like black girls, or make their hair red and nappy like those girls from Africa? Why not try out blue, green, or gray for their hair color instead of just brown and blonde? Why MUST they try hair colors naturally available ONLY to white people (brown and blond) ??
7) She doesn't expect you to be a doctor, laywer, or an Investment Banker. This is good for guys who don't do well financially. You can make minimum wage here and still get a very pretty girl in VN. I know many guys who have done this. And there is no shame in doing this. White males have been doing this since forever. American women have become too fat, too lazy, too self-centered and self-serving so American men have been looking for romance elsewhere.
8) Vietnamese women (women in VN, not here) are more loyal. They stay in marriage longer than the women here. Women here all want to be feminists they don't give a damn about marriages or children. Ophra (the biggest feminist in this country, but certainly not the fattest ha ha) says that the moment the woman doesn't feel happy in her marriage, she should end it. Marriage is a long term commitment and isn't easy. You can't treat it like a date. She hates men (she was repeatedly raped by her step father when she was 12. All true, I'm not making this up.) and now she trying to get all the women to hate men too. But the weird thing is that women in this country listen to witches like her. It's stupid. No wonder the divorce rate is over 60%, so many children grow up in broken homes and crime rate just keep going up and up.
9) For guys who can't speak English well, it's certainly easier for you to cu*a ga'i in VN.
10) For guys who are short. It's certaily easier for you to get women in VN. The Viet chics here are dumb, they watch basketball and they think all men should be like those black athletes. They all desire guys who are 5'10 and taller but they are like 5'0-5'2 hahaha that's retarded. Sometimes you see these couples and can't help but feel bad for them; the white guy has no standards at all and has to go for a girl who is half his height and the girl's self-esteem is so low she has to get a guy twice her height to mask her insecurities.
11) Do not believe those stupid rumors spread by the women here about how Vietnamese girls would dump you after getting their green cards. Yes there are hoes who marry you for money or green cards but let me ask you, you think only Woman in VN do that? You'd probably have a bigger chance of marrying to a gold digger here in the states. Another thing, if you are smart, you can tell whether the girl really likes you or is just in it for the green card. Take your time, get to know them and chose the best one. It's worth the trouble and you end up with a sweet and decent & HOT chic, not some angry-bitter-feminized-banana-blond-wannabe-reject in the state!
12) Marrying chics oversea is good for your Viet brothers in the long term. Well it all comes down to supply and demand. Since girls in the states demand more than they can offer (nuoc ma'm len gia') we have to bring in more supply oversea to bring the price down (then nuoc ma'm xe xuong gia' again).
13) You do this to piss off girls in the states. Trust me women are very catty and insecure. You think women dress and put on make-up to impress men? BIG FAT WRONG! They dress to compete among themselves. Ask any love coach and they'll tell you. With that in mind, imagine you bringing here a hot wife from VN to compete with them. Now, for any given guy, the girl you can get in VN is MUCH MUCH prettier than the girl you can get here. So when you do that. You piss the hell out of them. It's gonna drive them crazy! hahahhaha! To make it even worse for them, they can't do the same thing you did. They can't just go to VN and marry a good looking guy because Viet women always marry up in the social ladder (they only marry guys with higher social status). And whose fault is this?? Let me hear it! Yeah that's right THEIR FAULT! A white woman might marry a poor guy but I don't think A viet woman would do that.
14) If you do your wedding in VN (and you should because if you have taken the economical route you might as well go all the way, right?) then you could save up to $30K or so depending on what kind of wedding you want. Everything is so cheap there and the girls there don't demand ridiculously expensive things for the wedding. They are already ecstatic and grateful that you married them they don't wish for anything else. Morever, if many of your friends are Americans and you have a wedding here then you are screwed. People want to invite Vietnamese to the wedding so they can give you money instead of gifts to reduce the cost of the wedding. However, Americans only do gifts. I'm gonna get a little phisolophical here and say that it makes sense to have been born in VN, marry the love of your life in VN then later in your older years, die in VN (VN is probably one of the best places for retirement, no doubt). Wouldn't that be perfect? It's unfortunate that our country has been through so many wars and now is so poor that we have to live oversea. But if I can at least do the 3 things above, I think I'll die a happy old man.
15) We do this to help the economy of our mother country and to help many people find a better life in America. Every time we go back, we bring the US dollars with us and help the economy there. Our country has been through many wars and certainly can use a boost from tourism. We also do this to help our VN wives find a better life. It's unfortunate that we can only help on person (or one woman) at a time but it's still better than no helping at all. She then in turn can help her family once she's here.
16) Many women in VN are so poor they have to marry Taiwanese and Koreans and many have fallen victim to abusive marriages, frauds, and experienced all the humiliating things you could imagine. For every Vietnamese girl you bring to the states, there is one less Vietnamese girl going to TW or Korea, where she might become victim of a crime. I'm not saying all VK guys are perfect husbands but at least US laws protect women and children MUCH better than Taiwanese and Korean laws combined.
17) Among many stupid myths is the ignorant assumption that only "less-than-pefect" VK guys find love oversea. This is simple NOT true. Again and again, we have seen many young, good looking and successful professionals marry their wives oversea and it has NOTHING to do with how desirable the men are. However, it has A LOT to do with what they SEEK.
Men want a sweet, flexible, loving wife who is loyal has integrity and they have found that it's much easier to find those women oversea because the feminist movement in this country has gone too far. White men, even successful ones, have been looking in Asia, South America and Eastern Europe for romance since forever. I keep seeing many rich white men who only want to marry women who weren't raised in the US. It seems that the more educated men are, the more careful they are in chosing a life partner and therefore they pick the best ones for them; the women who weren't raised here. Don't believe me? Search the net for countless bride-order-websites featuring girls from South America, Asia, and Eastern Europe and ask yourself; if there's no customer, how come there are so many websites?If a "less-than-perfect" viet guy can go back to VN and get a beautiful wife, and you are a much better man than he is, you should be able to get a much prettier wife. It's that simple. It's a win win situation for all viet men. Think about it, even Western men can't stand the feminist women in this country, how would you? We should be smart, put our egos aside and get a girl in VN.
18) Another stupid myth that keeps going around is that VN girls will leave you once then have gotten their green card or become Westernized. This is BULL, invented by VK girls, and is nothing more than just another sad & desperate attempt of theirs to discourage you from marrying oversea girls.
Fact #1: most marriages in this country end after 6 years.
Fact #2: most of the divorces in this country are filed by the women.
Fact #3: most marriages in VN last forever.
Any logical Viet male can see for himself that in order for him to have a long lasting marriage in this country, he should stay away from the Westernized females (who are the cause of most of the divorces in this country) and marry someone in VN. If you marry someone who's around 25 (the perfect age for a wive), she probably won't become Westernized. People are MUCH less likely to change their beliefs and values once they have aged over 22, especially women. You see so many Vietnamese immigrants who have been living in this country for over 30 years and yet they still stick with their spouse, eat the same food they had been eating in their home country, shop at Vietnamese supermarkets, listen to Vietnamese music, etc? Or just look at our parents. Well that's because they haven't assimilated into the American culture and they never will. Why? Because they came here when they were 25+. At that age, PEOPLE DON'T CHANGE. So all you have to do is pick a 25 y/o lady in VN to marry and she'll forever be a sweet, lovely, caring, flexible wife.
19) Many VK girls will tell you that it is financially wiser to marry a US girl because your VN wife wont' be able to work for a few years once she's here, and as a result, the family only has one income. This is a half-truth. Wait until you hear the rest of this. Yes she won't be able to make any money for a few years BUT she will stay married with you MUCH longer. What would you rather have? a wife who makes less money but stays with you for the long term or a wife who makes almost as much as you make but divorces you in 6 years and cause you to go bankrupted? Divorce is the the number ONE, I repeat, the NUMBER ONE reason why Western men are TERRIFIED of marriage. When you hear girls say men dont want to commit, what they are basically saying is that men don't want to risk losing his money. In California, if your wife divorces you, you will:
a) lose custody of your children and pay your ex-wife child support until the kids turn 18. How how do you know the ex-wife uses all of that money for your kids and not for her nose jobs or trips to the hair salons?
b) lose your house because the judge wants the kids to have a house to live in.
c) lose your car because the judge wants the ex-wife to use it to drive the kids to school.
d) lose half of your money/asset if not more.
e) support her financially (alimony) for a few years or for the rest of her life, depending on how much money she makes, how much money you make and how long you were married to her. Note that in California, if she stayed married to you for more than 10 years, most of the time, she can get alimony FOR LIFE. Yes that's right, you pay for her living expenses until she dies. In Texas, it is a little better, she has to stay married for 10 years in order to get alimony. And the worst place on earth for married guys is Massachuset where all alimonies last for the rest of the wives' lives. What a pussy whipped State.
f) spend roughly $15-20K in attorney fees just for yourself and go through custody and courtroom battles that can cost you your sleep, sanity, health and work productivity. Would getting a better attorney help? The better the attorney, the more money you will get, but they you'd have to spend more on attorney fees.
g) if you are the sole provider in the family, expect to spend another $15-20K for HER attorney fees even though she's at fault (she's crazy, committed adultery, etc.)
Since most marriages in this country ends in 6 years, most marriages in VN last forever and most immigrant couples (like our parents) stick together, marrying a VN girl is the better choice.
What if you picked the wrong VN woman to marry and she leaves you after she gets her green card? Well, if you get a pre-nup before you marry her, you won't have to give her a dime. And it's MUCH easier to get a VN girl to sign the pre-nup than to get a VK girl to sign one. VN girls are already happy and thankful that you marry and bring them to the US, they don't care that much about pre-nups. If you ever find yourself unfortunate enough to be in the situation in which you have to mention the idea of a pre-nup to a VK girl, I wish you the best of luck and may God have mercy on you. Because the VK girl will absolutely retaliate, beginning with something less damaging to your ego at first like throwing furniture at you. Then it will escalate to bigger things such as cancelling the wedding then dumping you and finally telling all her friends and family how cheap and evil you are, telling everyone at her AA meetings how cheap and evil you are, telling allthe girls you will date in the future how cheap and evil you are. And let the pains begin...
20) This is point number 20 and *IS* a good one. Thanks to HongNhan for bringing this up. Any guy who has dated newly arrived girls from VN knows that it usually takes 5-10 dinner dates to get past first base and probably 10-20 dates before you hit home run (hhahahahha I know it's painful). US girls are so easy you don't even have to try. Usually 2-3 dates are all it takes for you to declare "mission accomplished." And I don't even remember how many times I have declared this on the first date myself. And I'm not even a player!So why are US girls so easy (like white chics)? Well it's feminism at work again.
Feminists want equality in every aspect of life and sex is one of them. They want to go out, get guys' phone numbers and have one-night stands just like men do. They want to COMPETE with men when it comes to casual sex. Do I have a problem with that? Hell NO. It's fine with me but I definitely dont want a slut for a wife. What would you rather have? A clean, fresh and sweet virgin or someone who has been hot beef-injected by half of the guys in the city? Not to mention STDs, the heartaches, the headaches and decrease in self-esteem that usually come from dating a slut.So the best course of action for a guy is to have as much fun as you want here in the states with US girls but when you are around 32, go back to VN and start looking for a wife and marry one at 35, which is the perfect age for marriage.
21) Thanks to HongNhan again, we have point number 21. This is a good one for guys who want to have kids. I suspect most Viet guys do because we all want to have someone to take care of us when we are old and weak. We aren't white and we don't believe in nursing homes.
As most of you know, the US doesn't produce enough kids. In fact, the government has to encourage couples to have kids by giving them tax breaks because Westernized women don't want to have kids these days. Yes, there are many Western men who don't want kids as well, but it's mostly the women that cause this problem because they hate being pregnant (and lose their beautiful body). They also don't want to take a few years off from work thinking that it would put them at a disadvantage in their competition with men at work. A lot of US women don't want kids and many have them when they are over 30 (once they have gotten their graduate degree and secure a good position at work, etc.). To most Westernized women, their career comes before having kids.
Scientists say that the longer the woman waits to have children, the bigger the chance of birth deffects the kids have. When a woman is born, she has a bunch of eggs in her womb and these eggs are used in making babies. Unlike men's sperms, these eggs do not get replaced by new eggs; they stay in the woman's womb throughout her fertile years and they age as she ages. So by the time the woman is about 30, many eggs have already been rotten and the rest are slowly being rotten as well. So it might take her 2-3 years or even longer to have a kid. And when she finally has a kid, the kid is not as healthy as a kid she would have had when she was 20, statistically speaking.VN girls are a lot more traditional and family oriented. Most of them don't have a problem having kids. Beside, during the first few years they are in the US, they can't really work right away and have to study English so it's a good time to have a baby at this time. And if you marry a girl who's 25 like I suggested, her eggs are still in good shape and should produce instant, healthy, happy babies.
22) This is from HongNhan as well and what she said is pretty self-explanatory so I'm just going to quote her:"nghe nói...có mí Viet gal ở US...đó...tiếng dziệt cũng hỗng rành...tiếng anh cũng khg xong đó...@ least mí Viet gal ở VN...có excuse là opportunity to learn...hay gì gì đó..."
23) The assumption that VN girls only marry American husbands for money is wrong. It is as wrong as saying all the girls in VN are gold diggers. The fact is that there are more VK girls who marry for money than VN girl who marry for money, because the US is a lot more materialistic. People keep saying American men make the best husbands but American women make the worst wives. It's not hard to see why VN girls instantly fall in love with VK guys:
a) VK guys can bring their wives to live in the best country in the world. b) Living in America comes with freedom of speech, religion among many other kind of rights and liberties you don't find in other countries, especially in a poor and suppressed country like VN.
c) Women and children are better protected in the US than anywhere else in the world.d) American men are the most civilized, charming, capable and treat their women better than any group of men on earth.
e) VN women are very traditional and family oriented. They want to take care of their family too and what's a better way to help your family besides bringing them to the US?
f) Better education for VN girls in the US.
g) A MUCH BRIGHTER and BETTER future for women's kids. You have no idea how important this is to the women.h) What about Hollywood? Disneyland? the Cinderella story? the American dream? the dream of being on an exiciting, eye-opening and life-changing adventure? These are things that little girls dreamed about when they were growing up. America stands for ALL of those things. It's not about money, it's their hope, their dreams and you can't put a price on that.
24) Some VK girls will sometimes throw this BS at you hoping that you won't notice the rotten truth behind it; they'll claim that the only reason why VK men are going back to marry is because VK girls have become too "independent," suggesting that VK men go back to VN to marry because they want submissive wives and can't handle "independent" women. HA HA HA this is the biggest BS I have ever heard to date. Not only this is a vicious attack on VK men's intelligence and character, it is another sad and deperate attempts of theirs to cover up the ugly truth they don't want you to know; they are FAR from being independent. In fact a lot of them DEPEND on Viet men to make money and to have a financially secure life.
Once again, the main reasons why VK men go back and get married are because VK girls have become too b*tchy, demanding and heartless to deal with. We don't need a submissive wife. I personally want a wife who has an education, a good job so she can contribute to the family financially as much as I do. Just because VN girls stay in marriages longer, it doesn't mean that they are any more submissive than VK girls. It simply means that they prefer to stick with their spouses and work things out instead of filing for divorve over tiny little things like VK girls do. They believe that marriage is a life-time commitment, not a way to rob a man of his house, his car, and half of his money.
Speaking of being independent, when was the last time you have seen or heard a Viet girl who pays 50/50 when she dates or lives with someone? Viet girls are the WORST, I repeat the WORST when it comes to 50/50. Many white girls pay 50/50 on dates and when they live with someone and I totally respect that. If you are going to be one tough, strong, independent, modern Western girl, fine, be one. But you should also pay 50/50 for everything or you are just a big fat hypocrite. You can't be independent ONLY when it's convenient for you.VN girls are just as dependent on Viet men just as VK girls are, if not more. But at least they accept it. They admit it and they do that because they have integrity. And they cook, clean and do laundry and take care of the kids in return. VK girls keep claiming to be "independent," don't clean, don't cook, don't do anything and at the end of the month, don't pay a dime when the bills arrive. Writting this makes me just want to puke.
25) VK girls keep accusing me of being politically incorrect for generalizing them and how unfair & ignorant of me for making generalizations. However, at the same time, they keep stating that VN girls are all green card hoes and that they'll leave VK men once they have gotten their green cards, or established. See they can't have it both ways, if they accuse me of being politically incorrect for generalizing, they can't then turn around and generalize VN girls themselves. Doing this only make them look like a bunch of stupid hypocrites.
26) This point also came from HongNhan. Have you ever wondered why is it that every time someone brought up the topic of VK men going back to VN to marry, there are tons and tons of VK girls rushing into the conversation, instantly trashing VN girls, calling them green card hoes while bashing VK men at the same time, calling them "losers - who can't get any girl in the States." They also seem to never run out of bogus stories and rumors created to degrade VN girls, to destroy their credibility and prevent VK men from going back to VN. Is this simply jealousy or something more? Well it's more than just jealousy.VK girls are a group of miserable people and EVERYONE, not just VK men should stay away from them. Feminists, the models of US-VK girls, are not happy, content people. They all got their heart broken or abused by men at some time in their lives so their views of the world are rather dark and twisted. They don't believe in love, marriage or any relationship that involve men. They think men are the sources of all of their problems and they blame men for every single thing that went wrong in their lives.VK girls want to be like these Western feminists because what they preach seem too good to pass up; marry a guy for a few years, divorce him, get his house, his car, half his money and become financially "independent." Since divorce laws in this country cater to them, they virtually wear the pants in most of relationships in this country; the men are scared of being divorced (and bankrupted) so they have to put up with their b*tchy and demanding attitudes. They control their husbands like pupets and when the husbands don't give in, they file for divorce, get the house, the car, half the money and start looking for the next sucker. Most of them go through life robbing men of their money this way and never find love in their entire life. Therefore, they are angry, bitter, miserable and don't want anyone to be happy. This is precisely why they have been doing everything they can to prevent VK men from going back to VN to get married.
27) This point came from "cucon" and is a pretty good one. Have you ever noticed the ever increasing amount of fat VK girls in the States? It's really sad considering the only thing they have to do to cure them of their obesity is to NOT EAT LIKE A PIG!!!See! They don't need those stupid, high-priced diets (like South Beach, Atkin, low carb, etc.) everyone is wasting their money on, all they have to do is toNOT EAT LIKE A PIG!!!Isn't that simple??? Furthermore, if they can't even control their mouth, how can they control other holes?!?!?!
It's OK for a guy to be a little bit fat because men are expected by society to be big so they can protect their women. But there shouldn't be any excuse for a woman to be fat, except for pregnancy.VN is mostly an agriculture country. The people there mostly eat vegetables and very little in protein, regardless of how wealthy they are. VN girls, therefore, are in good shape, and they will bring their good eating habits to the US to better feed you and your kids.If you marry a VK girl, chances are she is already a little chubby when you first meet her. But this is just the beginning; she's the ticking time-bomb and the wedding is the detonator. And she'll instantly expand right after the wedding like a baloon (when the fish - you - has already taken the bait). She will never cook and she'll keep feeding you with McDonnalds, KFCs, Chinese take-outs until your cholesterol shoots up to the roof and kill you one day while she's on top of you, torturing you with all 200lbs of fat.This part came from HongNhan, once again. A lot of these "more to love" type VK girls go to the gym daily and it doesn't make any sense if you think about it. Why eat like a pig then go to the gym to burn off the fat? If you want to stay in shape, why not just NOT eat like a pig in the first place? Right there you can see these girls are just being ridiculous. Since time is money, it's quite obvious that VK girls are extremely unproductive for wasting time at the gym to work off the fat that they had previously spent an almost equally amount of time to put on. Does this make any sense to you? Do you think any rational, intelligent human being would do this? When you marry one of these VK girl; she works in the morning, then go to the gym afterwards. Then who will stay home and do the cooking? You??? And how would you like it when half the guy at the gym stare at her ass as she bends over and lift a 5 lbs dumbbell at the gym? You will never hear about VN girls going to the gym. They CAN control their mouths, and that's the big difference between VK girls and VN girls when it comes to healt & fitness. The wasted time spent at the gym could have been used to do something more useful to society or your family such as volunteering for community services or spending quality time with you or your kids.
28) If you happen to be chubby. It's much easier for you to cu*a ga'i in VN. In America, being fat means undesirable, unattractive, unhealthy, lazy, socially inept, etc. However, in VN, being fat means social status, rich, well-off, well-established, etc.
29) This last point is the final nail in the coffin. Hopefullly after reading this, you'll have a better idea of what you are going to do; marry in VN or in the States.I would like to introduce you to the most fascinating and brilliant male of the 21st century,( no it's not me, but thanks for thinking of me), professor Tom Leykis. THE #1 talk show host in the afternoon. His show was rated #1 in "most time spent" in 07 out of 29 shows in Los Angeles, the MOST competitive market in the US. So what's so special about this guy and why do so many people listen to him? It's very simple; he speaks the truths. He teaches men how to get laid with the least amount of money spent possible. He advises men NOT to move in with or marry a woman because, he says, the institutions of relationship and marriage in this country are faulty and favor women. He also advises men to always use condoms, don't have a relationship before 25, don't get married unless you are established and know what you want in life and if you still want to get married, always get a pre-nup. He is like a father figure to many people and many listeners call him "Dad."If you are a loser who wants to make minimum wage for the rest of your life working at McDonald, none of his teachings will matter to you. But if you want to advance in life, you want to listen to this man, as he can help you prevent making some of the biggest mistakes in your life. You can listen to his show live at over the Net 3PM-8PM PST.
His podcasts (previous episodes) can be found at
So what does this guy have anything to do with this thread?
Keep in mind that I wrote this thread BEFORE I started listening to his show. The crazy thing is that the more I listen to him, the more he sounds like me in this thread. This proves one thing; THE THINGS I SAY IN THIS THREAD ARE REAL, THAT'S WHY THERE IS A SHOW ON THE RADIO ABOUT THEM.
But here's another striking similarity between me and him; he doesn't go out with American women and certainly DO NOT want to marry any of them. Since his show is very popular in Los Angeles and he has been in the broadcasting business for over 20 years now, he's a self-made multi-millionaire. He has a 7 figure income, (for you math majors, it's over a milliion USD), he has a house in the Hollywood Hill and a vacation house in Santa Barbara. This guys is LOADED and he can get ANY girl he wants. You would think he'll go for the hot white American chics but guess what! He only goes out with foreign born women because he believe that US-raised women are just too b!tchy, demanding, and frankly, just a bunch of gold diggers who can't keep their mouths shut.So once again, as I had said before, EVEN SUCCESSFUL WHITE MALES DO NOT WANT TO HAVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH AMERICAN WOMEN, you need to put your ego aside, marry and girl in VN and avoid making the biggest mistake of your life; marrying a VK girl.
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